Overcoming Spiritual Blindness

by Father William R. Dulaney Imagine you had the opportunity to have a conversation with Jesus at some point during His public ministry. What would you say? What question would you ask Him? What might He say to you? How would you react? The selections from Mark’s Gospel for last Sunday and today present individuals […]

We Are Not Alone

by Father William R. Dulaney ISN’T IT AMAZING how certain people or situations leave a lasting impression on you? During a Saturday morning bike ride in Marine Park some 35 years ago, I came upon coaches and parents from St. Thomas Aquinas’ sports program hard at work removing broken glass and clearing debris from a […]

The Word Is Meant to Be Living and Effective

by Father William R. Dulaney When someone dies leaving money and possessions the adage “you can’t take it with you” comes to mind. Chances are none of us recall seeing an armored car following the hearse in a funeral procession. Reason, common sense and our experience of the passing of loved ones and friends assure […]

Strength in Sacramental Marriage

by Father William R. Dulaney Here’s an important question for engaged couples: As you’re planning your wedding, why not consider having a beautiful nuptial Mass or wedding ceremony in your parish church, making God a part of your special day and inviting Him to be a part of your life together? As much a part […]

God’s Kingdom Has Room For All of Us

by Father Thomas Catania “Get off my property!” I can remember to this day the little boy next door to me, only a few years younger than I was, demanding that I step back the few inches that he saw distinguishing his “territory” from mine. We’d had an argument, and he was not about to […]

Draw Your Identity from Jesus

by Father Thomas Catania FAMOUS FOR SAYING, among other things, that “anyone who dislikes children and dogs can’t be all bad,” W.C. Fields has gone down in our dark comic tradition as one of the great curmudgeons; we may forgive that acid remark, but that is only because we won’t take it altogether seriously. Not […]

Presence Informs the Practice

by Father Thomas Catania To this day, I can hear him roaring, “Oh, GAD, NO!!” He, my first-year English teacher, left no doubt in your mind when you had blundered into some unimaginable (to him) gaffe. Subtle he was not, but pointed he was. A no was a no, and — rarely — a yes […]

A World of the Deaf and Mute

by Father Thomas Catania Hearing aids, however necessary and however much they have become all but imperceptible, have not, unlike eyewear, become fashion statements. It is a long while since those “ear trumpets” represented in 18th-century paintings have formed part of our apparatus, but even the little buds that, in teenagers, betoken “I’m tuned into […]

What Went Wrong?

by Father Thomas Catania THE RECIPE CAME straight out of Julia Child; every last detail of it was followed meticulously, but here on the table, what should have been a mouthwatering sole a la Florentine bears an uncanny resemblance to a fish tank whose inhabitants and warranty have both expired in the past 24 hours. It wasn’t […]

Everyone Has a Role in The Celebration of Mass

by Father John P. Cush TODAY IN OUR proclamation of sacred Scripture, we conclude this brief, five-week excursus into John’s Gospel. As we’ve mentioned, the Gospel readings in the Year B liturgical cycle are normally taken from the Evangelist Mark, but for the summer, we take a break and go and delve into the eucharistically […]