Baptismal Gifts Grow with Trust

by Father James Rodriguez IN SPANISH, THERE is a unique feature that, in modern English, is implicit: the formal “you.” In English, whether addressing a king or a servant, the same word, “you,” is used. In Spanish, however, when addressing an elder or someone in authority, the informal “tu” that you would use with a […]

Saved and Changed by the Light

by Father James Rodriguez If you are reading this, then reports of the world’s end two weeks ago were more than slightly exaggerated. Dec. 21, 2012 proved to be just another day, albeit a rainy one, and the so-called “Mayan prophecy” of the end of time, another false prophecy.  Or was it? Today’s feast signifies […]

Belonging to the Sacred

by Msgr. Joseph Calise I must be getting older since I find myself saying, “When I was growing up,” more and more frequently. Nonetheless, when I was growing up, television was very different than it is today. Some might say things were more naïve like Ricky and Lucy sleeping in single beds in I Love […]

One Life Changed History Forever

by Msgr. Joseph Calise As we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent on the liturgical calendar, the more worldly calendar is telling me that it is also the day before the day before Christmas. Gratefully, my Christmas chores are done – gifts are bought and wrapped, schedules are set and cards are in the mail. […]

Being Faithful? Ok. But Joyful?

by Msgr. Joseph Calise My closet and dresser are filled with clothes that I will probably never wear. Some were gifts and have a purely sentimental value to me. Others might (just might) fit again one day, and you never know if the rest will ever come back into style. Even though I do not […]

Proclaim the Faith at Any Cost

by Msgr. Joseph Calise  Anyone who has ever seen Director Sidney Lumet’s movie version of the play, Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, probably shares my admiration for how skillfully he directed the turning moment when Lee J. Cobb threatens to kill Henry Fonda. They were fellow jurors on a murder case which Cobb presumed […]

We Prepare for What Is Known

by Msgr. Joseph Calise If you were to ask most people in my age group who they considered to be the greatest mystery writer of all time, no doubt most of us would answer, “Alfred Hitchcock.” We would be able to support our answer with such movies as Psycho, North by Northwest, The Birds, or […]

A Crown in the New Jerusalem

by Father Caleb Buchanan There is a legend about an ancient kingdom that flourished in power and wealth many centuries ago. A very young king made a pledge he would never accompany his soldiers to fight in a war outside of his kingdom. He needed his crown prince to be ready to succeed him if […]

Trade Your Anxieties for Joyful Anticipation of the Lord’s Coming

by Father Caleb Buchanan   “My Lord, what a morning! My Lord, what a morning! My Lord, what a morning, when the stars begin to fall!” This beautiful hymn is sung during the Advent season in many places because it stirs our hearts to anticipate the day of the coming of the Lord, the Parousia, […]

We Have Everlasting Faith in a Loving and Eternal God

by Father Caleb Buchanan   “Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended.” That’s the way we Catholics see the world. As we have just celebrated the Feast of All Souls, we know through faith that death is not the last word in and over our lives. Our sinfulness, famines, droughts, war, terror, […]