Give Witness to the Easter Message

There are days when I find myself complaining out loud in prayer: “Dear Jesus, could you have made it just a little easier?”

Understanding the Passion Is Key to Beginning of Holy Week

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, with the exuberant hosannas of the crowd that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem quickly giving way to the mockery of Roman soldiers and the derision of the passers-by at Calvary.

Called to Be Credible Witnesses

by Father John Cush In today’s Gospel according to John, we read about Jesus and His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. It is a key Gospel for us to grasp if we wish to have a true Christian dialogue with our culture. First, we need to understand the context of this Gospel […]

Penance Is the Path to Healing

by Father John Cush These past two Sundays, the focus of our readings is clearly set on the correct course in our Lenten journey. Last week, with the account given to us about original sin, we were able to reflect a bit on what the Church teaches about the nature of sin. It is, if […]

Tackling the ‘S’ Word

This first Sunday of Lent affords us the opportunity to reflect upon exactly what it is we are trying to combat in this holy season of Lent, namely sin. In all three readings, we learn not only about the nature of sin itself but also the remedy for sin.

Authentically Christian and Authentically Human

by Father John Cush It’s been quite a year at the Vatican, to say the least! Who would have thought that for the first time in centuries, we would have a pontiff resign his papacy? Who would have thought that we would have the first pope elected from the Americas? Who would have thought that […]

Turn the Other Cheek? Every Time? Count on It!

by Father Anthony F. Raso Sinner that I am, I have always found it fun to go into a classroom of children and tell them what the Lord is telling us in the Gospel this weekend, especially that part about “…when someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one as well.” The […]

Salvation, Simply Put: Trust God; Avoid Talking Snakes

by Father Anthony F. Raso I have realized for many years now that I walk, as the saying went when I was a teenager, to a “different drummer.” This manifests itself most clearly in the fact that I find some things to be funny which no one else, perhaps in all of history, has found […]