Returning to God

Christians have embarked on another 40 days’ journey through the wilderness of their own humanity. Sister Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J., invites readers to ask if this will be a time of healing, mercy and transformation.

Where Will God’s Call Lead?

Reflecting on this week’s Scriptures, Sister Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J., finds that the readings offer an invitation to recognize and respond to God’s merciful and transforming call in our lives, especially as we ready ourselves for Lent.

Responding to The Call

When God chooses us … it doesn’t matter how prepared or not we imagine ourselves to be. Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz reflects on the prophet’s call as he explains this week’s Sunday Scriptures.

Building on God’s Foundation

Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz discusses the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, books focusing on a vitally important period in the centuries before Christ: the return of the Judean exiles from Babylon after the fall of the Babylonian empire to the Persian armies, the rebuilding of the ruined walls of Jerusalem and the reconstruction of the Temple.

Heeding Mary’s Words

Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz reflects on the nine words Mary says in this Sunday’s Gospel reading and other times the Mother of God is quoted in the Gospels.

Dive Into Your Mission in Christ

In Luke’s Gospel this week we read about an adult who took a dip at the deep end, so to speak. That’s Jesus, the feast of whose baptism by John we celebrate this Sunday.

Inspired by the Magi

Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz reflects on the Scripture readings for the Feast of the Epiphany, when the magi undertook a journey of discovery that brought them to Jerusalem, where they found a little Child with a high calling.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph: No Ordinary Family

ONE OF THE most beautiful Christmas cards I have seen is a play on the typical picture of the Holy Family. In this particular scene, Mary is asleep on a cot made of hay and Joseph is walking while cradling the Infant in his arms. It is a tender scene of the healthy love of a father for his son which, I must admit, makes me very jealous. I have often said that if I have any regrets about my vocation, the regret would be that I will never have a son. So, I find the image of Joseph holding his newborn baby boy quite touching.

Led by Faith to Imitate Christ

At the moment of the Visitation it is not Elizabeth who recognizes the presence of Jesus, but John who leaps in her womb to let his mother know that she is in His presence. It is his joy that causes Elizabeth to proclaim Mary’s blessedness, and question her own worthiness that the mother of her Lord should come to her. But it is precisely because Mary has come to know that she is the mother of the Lord that she went to Elizabeth.

Waiting and Preparing for The Promised One

Waiting for the arrival of a blind date causes anxiety and the arrival, at times, disappointment. Waiting for the return of a loved one from military service causes excitement and the arrival brings great joy. The difference is in the preexistence of a love relationship. Advent is an opportunity to evaluate our love relationship with Christ as preparation for the holy days that are near as well as the eventual meeting with Him face to face.