THE PHRASE, “I WAS just a bit of flotsam in the sea,” is recognizable to all “I Love Lucy” fans. It is from the episode titled, Lucy’s Last Birthday.
Sunday Scriptures
How Do We Calculate The Cost of the Kingdom?
GET-RICH-QUICK schemes seldom get anyone very rich, and that is very much the heart of the message in The Million Dollar Idea episode of the 1950s sitcom, “I Love Lucy.”
Humility Is Knowing Who You Are
THE SITUATION IN the parable offered by the Lord Jesus in today’s Gospel from the Evangelist Luke presents a pretty embarrassing situation. The guest at the banquet who takes the best seat at first, has to move when a more distinguished guest comes forward. It’s embarrassing for the one who has to move, it’s embarrassing for the host of the banquet, it’s even embarrassing for the more distinguished guest. All around red faces, especially for the guest who plopped himself down in the good seats!
Being Corrected Stinks!
By Father John P. Cush I remember it like it was yesterday: the day that I received my first and only detention at Cathedral Prep Seminary in Elmhurst, in 1989. As a high school junior, I was asked to “lend” my French homework to a fellow student and I promptly obliged. Our instructor, upon examination […]
Reigniting the Fire of Faith
When we gather for Mass, we are involved in the greatest adventure this side of Heaven. Understanding this, how could all of us, priests and people alike, not want to set the world ablaze?
Are You Doing Your Best?
As Catholics, we have been entrusted with very much. We have been given the gift of faith by the Lord Jesus Christ and the consolation of the Truth by the Holy Spirit. By the will and love of God the Father, we live and have our being. A question, then: What are we doing with what we have been given?
What Matters Most
“You can’t take it with you!” – Deacon Thomas G. Davis talks about this age-old lesson in relation to Jesus’ parable of the rich man in this Sunday’s Scriptures.
A Closer Look at The Lord’s Prayer
The Our Father is one of the first prayers we learned as children
Do You Have Time for God?
Today’s Gospel challenges us as we plan out our goals and objectives to include time every day to put ourselves in the presence of God. Time where, instead of asking God for things in our lives and to grant our petitions, we listen to what God has to say to us.
Being an Example of Love and Mercy
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is tested by a person knowledgeable in the law when He is asked: “What must he do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus responds by testing the scholar – and all who hear this passage – with the parable of the Good Samaritan.