Be Open to the Power of Grace

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

THE READINGS of today’s liturgy are not the readings I would have chosen for Vocation Awareness Sunday. I would probably have opted for something with a softer, gentler invitation to consider Christ’s invitation to follow Him with a promise of divine assistance. However, the readings do present an appropriate message for today – a challenge to the ordained that contains within it a call to reflection for those seeking their God-centered path in life.

Go, Learn and Live The Greatest Law

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“BROTHERS AND SISTERS … you became imitators of us and of the Lord, receiving the word of God even in suffering but with joy from the Holy Spirit so that you might be a model for all around you who are believers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5c)

Response-Ability Is A Work in Progress

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“COME INTO GOD’S presence in holy attire” (Psalm 96) … “remember that the Gospel did not come to you in word alone, but in power, in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction” (1 Thessalonians 5b).

It’s Time to Clothe Ourselves in Love

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“BEHOLD OUR God, to Whom we looked to save us!” (Isaiah 10) “Creator God, enlighten the eyes of our hearts, so that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call.” (Ephesians 1: 17-18)

Upside-Down on the Path to Discipleship

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“I HAVE CHOSEN you from the world, says the Lord, to go and bear fruit that will remain …” (John 15:16)

We Must Do and Live As Jesus Did

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“DO NOTHING out of selfishness or vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves….” Phil 2: 4-5

His Ways Are Not Our Ways

by Father Anthony F. Raso

NO MATTER HOW many times we encounter today’s Gospel about the owner of the field, who pays everyone the same wages at the end of the day no matter how many hours they’ve put in, the owner seems – to our sinful selves – to be completely unfair.

Forgive From Your Heart

HAVE YOU EVER been hurt by someone, hurt to the very core of your heart? I imagine so. This happens to most of us and it leaves a wound that may heal, but certainly leaves a scar.

Keeping Watch for The Lord’s People

TO BE CALLED, as was the prophet Ezekiel, to be the “watchman” for the House of God, is a great honor and a solemn responsibility.

It’s Never Too Late To Change Course

by Father Anthony F. Raso

BABY BOOMERS LIKE myself are now considered, accurately enough, to be “the older generation.” There is nothing about us nowadays that suggests “babies” – and even less, especially in my case as I toddle around with my cane – that can be associated with the word “boom.”