WHY DID HE do it? I mean really, why did Judas betray Christ? There are so many theories.
Sunday Scriptures
Come, Renew Your Covenant with God
ON THIS FIFTH Sunday of Lent, we read from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, who speaks the word of the Lord. Our loving and just God states, through the prophet:
Be Open to the ‘Angels in Disguise’
IN TODAY’S FIRST reading, we encounter a very curious piece of Biblical history and a very unique figure indeed.
Let Anger Lead to Virtue, Not Vice
“ZEAL FOR YOUR house consumes me.” In the Gospel that we read today from the Evangelist John, we are faced with a very different view of the Lord Jesus.
It Is Good That We Are Here
AS IS THE case for most Catholic churches in our country and even throughout the world, there is a large increase in attendance at Mass for major Christian holidays, most especially Christmas and Easter. Over the almost eight years of my priesthood, I have looked forward to welcoming back home our brothers and sisters. I thoroughly enjoy welcoming back those who have been away from the church for a while, due to whatever circumstances may have kept them away.
Witnesses of the Lord
AS A KID growing up, for as long as I could remember, I had always been told that I had to give something up for Lent. I could never understand the concept of giving up something that you like for 40 days. I remember my parents telling me that Lent is a time to focus on the spiritual gifts that we have, not the material. They were absolutely right.
Being Like Jesus to All
BEING A NATIVE New Yorker, I am very much accustomed to the New York City subway system. Having taken the subway trains all my life to get within the five boroughs, I am aware of how the system works. I am also aware of my surroundings while riding the subway at certain times of the day.
Take His Hand and Be Healed
EVERY THIRD TUESDAY of the month, I celebrate Mass at Concord Nursing Home in Bedford-Stuyvesant. The Missionaries of Charity Sisters, who live in the convent, arranged for this Mass to be celebrated each month. The residents of the nursing home look forward to this Mass, but most especially seeing the sisters.
Calling Forth Our True Selves
LAST WEEK’S Scriptures described Jesus breaking the monotony of the lives of a few fishermen, elevating them to become His disciples. Today, we are given a scenario that could potentially take away the peace of people in the synagogue by the presence of a man with an unclean spirit. He is loud. He interrupts.
The Invitation Amid Interruption
More often, Jesus has a tendency of showing up unannounced and with no appointment. Today, on this third Sunday of Ordinary Time, He interrupts us with an invitation to follow Him.