An Invitation to Find Out More

THE WEEKEND after the feast of the Epiphany takes us back to Ordinary Time and the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Change can be a challenging experience for many people, which is why this week’s Scripture reflection is appropriate shortly after our celebration of the new calendar year.

We Are Seekers on A Common Journey

THIS WEEK’S Feast of the Epiphany is a continuation of the Christmas story in the prologue of Matthew’s Gospel. The beginning narrative reflects major historical events that give an explanation to the profound significance of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. There is, however, a subtle detail in this familiar story that many of us often overlook. It describes people that are on the move.

Living in The Joy of Love

On this feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, God’s word invites reflection on the joys, responsibilities and challenges of family life in the light of Christian faith and discipleship.

Choose and Use Your Words Wisely

ST. GABRIEL, the Archangel, delivers a message in today’s Gospel that alters the course of salvation history. It is perhaps the greatest message that can ever be delivered – that God is making due on His long promise of bringing a Savior into the world.

Don’t Get Carried Away With Yourself

by Father Michael Panicali

EVERY BIG-NAME comedian or music group knows the importance of having a good warm-up act work the crowd before they have to take the stage.

Allow God to Pave Your Path

MY DAD, the late Eugene Panicali, had a penchant for blasting the sitting mayor or governor every time he’d go over a pothole or a rut in the road – as if the politician were personally responsible for the crater that threw his wheels out of alignment.

Choose Well, Be Ready

By choice, we can live in the joy and freedom and understanding – and we can receive the graces of the Holy Spirit – that come with fully participating in the life of the Church. It really is that simple.

Loyalty Must Be Whole-Hearted

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

IN 1943, COLUMBIA Records re-introduced a song that was written and first released in 1939. It was composed by Arthur Altman (music) and Jack Lawrence (lyrics). Sung by Frank Sinatra, the song was “All or Nothing at All.”

Giving Thanks for Life’s Blessings

EVER SINCE I was a kid, this was a special time of year. I have always liked the brisk weather of fall and the magic of the leaves changing colors. Nature comes so alive at this time of year that its energy is contagious.

Careful Vigil Makes For a Joyful Dawn

EVER SINCE THE 2007 film “The Bucket List” was released, the concept of writing one has become quite popular. As a matter of fact, when I put the words “bucket list” into the Amazon search box, it came up with 1,299 results!