We begin and end this Sunday’s readings with “family.” We listen at the start to how God’s dream for that family has become, at best, compromised, and at worst, possibly rejected.
Sunday Scriptures
The Grace of God Made Flesh
Today, we remember the grace of God made flesh – Jesus the Christ – given as gift and food for the journey. The Church remembers with praise, procession and gratitude. However, do we really “get it”? Do we fully realize the impact and response that this bread and wine, this Body and Blood covenant, should have in and on our lives?
Drawn Into the Trinitarian Mystery
In the face of a mystery as incomprehensible and confounding as the unity of the three divine Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the believer is reduced to silence: adoring, deferential and spellbound silence.
Praying for the Fire of the Spirit
When I was a child, my mother would bring me to charismatic prayer meetings in the neighborhood. We went to Mass every Sunday, and even weekdays in the summer, but these were very different. It was my first experience praying in this way – or any way – outside of home, Church, and my parish school.
A Trusting Silence
THERE IS A figure, a person who saturates the Scriptures that we read during the Easter season. While she permeates every word, and embodies the grace therein, she is silent and mostly invisible.
Pruning Refashions Us More Into His Likeness
IT IS HARD to believe that I began freshman year at Cathedral College over 45 years ago. Cathedral College is the forerunner of today’s Cathedral Seminary Residence at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston.
No Lack of Vocations, Just Responses
THE WORDS OF the second reading at Mass today are some of the most bittersweet in all of St. John’s writings. How beautifully he reminds us to “see what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called ‘children of God.’”
You Can’t Pray a Lie
DESPITE ALL THE controversy about it, the novel “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain remains my favorite novel in American literature.
A Belief That Runs Deeper Than Doubt
The motto under the image of Divine Mercy is “Jesus, I trust in You,” an act of faith based more in the heart than in the head. It does not imply that we have all the answers, but simply that our belief in God’s love and power is stronger than our doubt.
He Endures Until He Triumphs
LUCY KIRKWOOD’S play, “The Children,” recently closed on Broadway. Although personally I would not call it “entertaining,” it was one of the most thought- and conversation-provoking productions I have seen.