Ask for the Grace to Listen and Obey

Last Sunday, with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, the Church concluded the Christmas season. I mentioned to my parishioners at Mass that when they come back to Church this Sunday, all of the Christmas trees will be gone, all the pine wreaths, red bows and poinsettias will be out of the sanctuary. We have joyfully celebrated the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Now that the celebration is over, we must conform our lives to Him. That will take some time and some deep spiritual work.

In Baptism, We Have Been Claimed

This June, I will celebrate nine years of priesthood. These have been nine years filled with God’s love and mercy. I must say that it has been nine happy years!

Give Yourself to Him – And Don’t Look Back

When I was a newly ordained priest I would make frequent classroom visits to our parish school. I had always enjoyed visiting our school children during the Christmas season. I remember very vividly asking a group of fourth graders the question, “What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Christmas?”

Stay Ready to Meet Jesus Face to Face

December 31, 1999 brought many speculations – Would computers crash throughout the world when the year turned to 2000? Was it going to be the end of the world? It came to be known as the Y2K crisis and caused more havoc than history proved necessary. 

Long Live Christ The King

SOMETHING SEEMS seriously out of place! We have just celebrated Thanksgiving, and according to the holiday calendar of the marketplace, Black Friday followed on its heels and Cyber Monday is coming up.

Death Does Not Have the Last Word

Just as the death-dealing King Antiochus did not have the last word, neither did the Roman emperor and neither do the death-dealing powers of our era. Jesus assures His disciples, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Focusing On What Really Matters

WE ARE LIVING in troubling and violent times! On Oct. 27, a gunman entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh during Sabbath services.