by Father Patrick LongalongAside from prayer, I often turn to play the piano to let out stress and frustration and clear my mind so I can see the issue objectively. My hands will just go up and down the keys effortlessly and subconsciously while releasing the tension out of my heart and mind. After a few minutes, I can think of the issue at hand and figure out ways to solve the problem that would be best for everyone involved.
Sunday Scriptures
Suffering as Part of Faith
by Father Patrick LongalongWhen I was at my first parish assignment as a priest, I became friends with many families, especially at the parish’s academy. One child of Indian descent deeply expressed to his mother about his desire to be a Catholic. She gave it much reflection and thought, which led to her decision to also become a Catholic along with her son on Easter Vigil.
Being Faithful During Times of Trial
by Father Patrick LongalongOnce in a while, we are reminded that our life is heavily conditioned by expectations. Parents expect their children to apply themselves and study properly. We expect our friends to support us unconditionally.
The True Danger With Wealth
by Father Patrick Longalong“For what profit comes to man from all the toil and anxiety of heart with which he has labored under the sun?”
The Value of Persistence in Prayer
by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise Several years ago, I was asked to visit a parishioner on one of the upper floors at Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital. It was clear that he was near the end of his life, and so I certainly wanted to seize the opportunity to spend some time with him and his family.
Choosing Between Good and Better
As part of a “Sunday Scriptures” reflection a few weeks ago, I referenced the book “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” by Matthew Kelly. I wrote, “The book challenges us to ask ourselves four questions: Who am I? What am I here for? What matters most? What matters least?” That understanding of what is important, what matters, certainly has a central role in this Sunday’s Gospel.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Wikipedia describes Fred Rogers as “an American television personality, musician, puppeteer, writer, producer, and Presbyterian minister.” It goes on to explain that his dissatisfaction with the way television addressed young children led him to create the TV show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”
We Are All on That Same Journey
by Msgr. Joseph P. CaliseIn 2010, Emilio Estevez directed a film starring Martin Sheen as a father, Tom, traveling to retrieve the remains of his son who died in a storm in the Pyrenees Mountains while walking El Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage in the footsteps of Saint James.
True Freedom Is Found Only in Christ
This is one of those weekends when we listen to the Readings and then say to ourselves “No…Elijah the Prophet said that? And Jesus said that? No…I must have heard it wrong, or the lector said it wrong, or it’s a mistranslation. Jesus, of all people, would never have said something like that! Neither would Elijah!”
Removing a Problem Is Not What Jesus Is About
As Christmas approached when I was 10 years old, my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and they were good and surprised at my answer. I wanted a globe, a nice, big, colorful globe that I could spin around and see all the countries of the world, circa 1958, spinning by me. This was to be certain an unusual wish for a 10-year-old, but that’s what I wanted.