The Gospel we proclaim this Sunday offers a simple message, a message that is at both the heart of the liturgical season of Lent and, perhaps even more importantly, the basics of the Gospel: “REPENT!”
Sunday Scriptures
The Transfiguration Reassures Our Faith
As in all things, when we read a passage presented to us in the lectionary from the Holy Gospel, we need to place it into the proper context. If we read this particular passage from the Gospel according to the Evangelist Saint Luke, we might get a bit confused.
The Lenten Season Offers A Look at Jesus’ Nature
The gospel reading presented to us for the First Sunday of Lent is rather familiar to all of us — Our Lord’s temptation in the desert. In fact, in every cycle of the lectionary (recall that the “A” cycle offers us Matthew’s Gospel, the “B” cycle offers us that of Mark, and in the “C” cycle, which we are in this liturgical year, we are reading from the Gospel of Luke), this important event in the life of Jesus the Christ is proclaimed.
Gospel Has Beautiful Image of Leadership
No disciple is superior to the teacher, but when fully trained every disciple will be like his teacher. All of us are on a journey, led by the Shepherd, Jesus Christ, as he leads us to the Father’s house.
Praying That All of God’s People Come Together
During the month of February, we as a nation celebrate Black History Month. We celebrate the accomplishments that people of color have made throughout our society.
Using the Beatitudes in Our Troubled Times
A few weeks after my installation as Pastor, I received an anonymous gift from a parishioner. My secretary found a package beautifully wrapped with an envelope taped to it with my name on it.
How Did You Hear the Call? Figures in Readings
Over the last 12 years of my priesthood and during much of my time as a seminarian, people would ask me about my vocation story. The question would always begin with the phrase, “How did you hear the call?”
Spreading the Good Word Beyond the Parishes
I confess that I’ve preached some dreadful homilies. Calling them to mind makes me wince with embarrassment.
St. Paul’s Holy Levity United the Corinthians
I hope I won’t be judged irreverent by suggesting that if Saint Paul hadn’t succeeded as an apostle — which he most surely did — he might have made it as a comedian. Seriously!
How to Overcome Factionalism Today
First century Corinth was a complicated city, and the same can be said of 21st century Brooklyn and Queens!