Easter Massacre Victims Should Be Martyrs, Say Petitioners

More than 50,000 Catholics in Sri Lanka have appealed to the Vatican to recognize the 171 victims of the 2019 Easter massacre as martyrs. This tragedy unfolded on April 21, 2019, when eight suicide bombers struck two Catholic churches, a Protestant church, and three luxury hotels, resulting in the loss of 269 lives and leaving over 500 wounded.

Cardinal Dolan Safe in Jerusalem Amid Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel

By Maria Wiering (OSV News) — Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York is presently safe in Jerusalem amid Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel, where air raid sirens in the late hours of April 13 alerted the country to incoming drones and missiles. Joseph Zwilling, communications director for the Archdiocese of New York, who is […]