Gangs Attack, Burn, and Loot a Seminary in Haiti

A seminary run by the Spiritan Fathers was attacked Monday, April 1, by gangs in the latest incidence of violence that has roiled the Caribbean country in recent weeks, according to the Haitian Conference of Religious (CDH).

Nicaragua cracks down on church during Holy Week

Catholics turned out in large numbers to celebrate Holy Week in Nicaragua. But the ruling Sandinista regime prohibited public exhibitions of faith — such as processions and reenactments of the passion of Christ — as it continued exercising control over religious activities in what’s becoming an increasingly totalitarian country.

Holy Land Leaders Tell Gazans on Easter: ‘Don’t Lose Hope’

Ahead of Easter, several Church leaders in Jerusalem sent a message to the people of Gaza, assuring them of their closeness and support, telling Gazans not to lose hope, while the Jesuit order insisted they cannot be silent as millions face potential famine.