A Providential Recipe For Celiac Sufferers

With a tried and true recipe, the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have been producing altar breads and distributing them since 1910. But in the early 1990s, they began to receive telephone calls from individuals who had a unique need for a different recipe: They suffered from celiac disease and could not receive holy Communion in the form of the usual, wheat-based hosts.

A Millennial Column (So to Speak)

I’ve been writing op-ed columns for the Catholic press since 1979. I began this column in 1993 at the invitation of the late Kay Lagreid, then-editor of the now-deceased Catholic Northwest Progress in Seattle.

Reagan: Cold Warrior, Nuclear Abolitionist

In recent years, as scholars have explored Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy with greater access to primary-source documents, something utterly baffling to the conventional wisdom of his time – and ours – has come into focus: Reagan, while determined to win the Cold War, was also eager to rid the world of nuclear weapons.

Reviewing an Eminent Distortion of History

As the world marked the silver anniversary of the Polish elections of June, 1989, a conference met at the Vatican to consider “The Church in the Moment of Change in 1980-1989 in East Central Europe.”

The Uses of Monarchy

Hereditary monarchy is not exactly a growth industry in the 21st century.

Lessons from the Present

I recently unearthed a letter that my 16-year-old self wrote to my future 30-year-old self.

Now That School’s Out, What’s In?

Now that school is out, it’s fair to ask: “What’s in?” That’s a question parents should be considering. They have to be concerned with how their youngsters are occupying themselves during the summer vacation.

Charity: Our Christian Calling

A friend of mine is a church secretary. Her duties include greeting those who come to the parish seeking financial assistance. The poor rightly think of a church as a place to find help, and her parish has seen its share of supplicants.

A Sense of Mission

If we really believed that the most important part of our being is united to Christ and thus incorporated into the life of the Holy Trinity – how would we comport ourselves here on earth? George Weigel says we’d be on fire with a sense of mission.