Notre Dame Honors Russia’s New Martyrs

It’s sometimes hard to tell at this time of year, but there is more going on at Notre Dame than football. Spirited debate continues about the university’s Catholic identity and what that means for everything from curriculum and faculty hiring to the campus’ master plan.

Living Without Being on Display

When I was a kid, “sharing” meant splitting your lunch sandwich with a friend or sharing a book or toy. Today, “sharing” usually means writing a status update on Facebook, posting an Instagram photo or talking via Snapchat.

Wanted: A Synod of Affirmation

Pope Francis has called a special session of the Synod of Bishops, which will meet from Oct. 5-19 and prepare the agenda for the ordinary session of the Synod that is scheduled for the fall of 2015; both sessions will focus on the family.

A Call to Action: Grow in Character

Research based on a survey of 3,000 young people by Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton shows that most youth believe in a moral and benevolent God who wants us to be good, watches over us and solves our problems in our quest for personal happiness… as the authors termed, a “Divine Butler.”

Regensburg Vindicated

On the evening of Sept. 12, 2006, my wife and I were dining in Krakow with Polish friends when an agitated Italian Vaticanista (pardon the redundancy in adjectives) called and demanded to know what I thought of “Zees crazee speech of zee pope about zee Muslims.” That was my first hint that the herd of independent minds in the world press was about to go ballistic on the subject of Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture: a “gaffe”-bone on which the media continued to gnaw until the end of Benedict’s pontificate.

Going Offline to Connect in Real Life

Yesterday, I left my cellphone on the kitchen table when I left the house. It felt as if the apocalypse happened! The first hour wasn’t so bad. It was bright and early in the morning, and I had coffee to drink and work to do.

Autumn Brings Spiritual Renewal

September has always been one of my favorite times. Instead of going in big for New Year’s resolutions, something in me cries out for renewal in autumn.

Understanding Proxies and POLSTs in End of Life Planning

Planning for end-of-life situations is important. We should put in place an advance directive before our health takes a serious turn for the worse and we are no longer able to indicate our own wishes or make our own decisions.