May the Unrest of Christ Be With You

By Effie Calderola AS SOMEONE REMINDED me during this Christmas season, Jesus came to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Or, as a priest I knew used to say at the end of Mass many years ago, “May the unrest of Christ be with you.” I’ve been painfully aware of my status as one […]

Children's Christmas books 2014

Children’s Christmas Reading For Giving and Receiving

By Regina Lordan WASHINGTON (CNS) – The following books are suitable for Christmas giving: “I Lived on Butterfly Hill” by Marjorie Agosin. Atheneum Books for Young Readers (New York, 2014). 455 pp., $16.99. Lucila has a good life: a loving family, close friends and a home in her cherished hill city of Valparaiso, Chile. But […]

‘Nun’s Life’ Internet Ministry to Expand

By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — What started out as a blog at a time when few people knew about blogs and hardly anyone was familiar with Twitter is a living and growing ministry run by two women religious who are Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sisters Julie Vieira and Maxine Kollasch […]

Here’s to the Faithful, Or the Lucky Ones

By Father John Catoir The lucky ones are people with a vibrant faith. They may not be perfect, but they have been able to overcome many obstacles by the grace of God and find happiness despite their weaknesses. They believe in not being overcome by evil but overcoming evil with good. Sometimes a person is […]

Bill Dodds

Widowhood and Christmas

By Bill Dodds As I head toward my second Christmas as a widower, I now know the challenges begin with Halloween. Yes, Halloween. Filled with happy “couple” memories, it’s a tough day for a lot of widows and widowers. It is followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s – one blow after another, pummeling an already […]

Kowtowing to Moscow Is Bad Ecumenism

In his work for Christian unity, St. John Paul II often expressed the hope that Christianity in its third millennium might “breathe again” with its “two lungs:” West and East, Latin and Byzantine. It was a noble aspiration. And when he first visited Orthodoxy’s ecumenical patriarchate of Constantinople in 1979, perhaps the successor of Peter […]


This Season’s Best Deal Is Free

By Father Eugene Hemrick The stores began selling Christmas items long before Thanksgiving, and even Black Friday was pushed up to attract bargain seekers. Each year, the messages and peddling of items seem to come earlier and earlier. Sometimes it feels as if it is all too much: too much shopping, too much noise, too […]

A Season of True Repentence

By Maureen Pratt This year, I was asked to help at my parish’s Advent reconciliation service, and as soon as work began to put it together, I became much more aware of the role of “I’m sorry” in my daily life. From “my bad” to “mea culpa,” the variety of ways we use to declare […]

George Weigel

Six Great Reads for Under the Tree

That “there is no end to the making of books” is attested by both revelation (see Ecclesiastes 12:12) and a browse through your local bookstore – which, if well-stocked, will help you get the following to deserving readers on your Christmas list: N.T. Wright, “Paul: In Fresh Perspective” (Fortress Press) The former Anglican bishop of […]

Msgr Joseph P. Calise

Advent: Embrace The Suspense

By Msgr. Joseph P. Calise The experience of waiting for something can cause a lot of different emotions. The effects of waiting for a train when you are late for work or waiting for results from some medical tests are very different from waiting for the tooth fairy or Easter bunny to come. Waiting can […]