Society Has Misdefined Value of Human Dignity

As Catholics we believe that respect for life is rooted in human dignity. But lately I’ve noticed that the definition of dignity is often turned upside-down, especially in our conversations about end-of-life issues…

Effie Caldarola

Food Waste Is Food for Thought

In the film, “Just Eat It,” the producers examine why we waste so much food and discover that a huge percentage of produce never makes it to the grocers because it’s deemed too misshapen, unsightly, imperfect.

Merciful Consolation After Abortion

By Msgr. Anthony Hernandez Recently, it was announced that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, will extend to all priests the faculty to absolve those who have procured the sin of abortion and who with contrite hearts seek forgiveness for it. This was done within the context of explaining to the faithful how one can receive […]

Papal Proclamation Seeks Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Reflecting on the upcoming Year of Mercy, Msgr. Michael J. Cantley shares his thoughts on the invitation Pope Francis is extending to look at the face of Jesus and discover God’s mercy as it is revealed in the Scriptures.

Mercy of Christ in Annulment Process

By simplifying and accelerating the annulment process, the Holy Father has acknowledged that many people yearn to experience the mercy of the Lord by seeking a declaration of the nullity of their marriage, a marriage which was null from the start, and beginning a new life. This reform of the process is not to favor the nullity of marriage but rather to speed the process for the declaration of nullity if, indeed, that is the truth of the situation.

Glimpse of ‘Heaven’ Is Inspiring, But Unsatisfying

NEW YORK (CNS) – As its title suggests, a trip to the pearly gates and back is the highlight of “90 Minutes in Heaven” (Samuel Goldwyn). Writer-director Michael Polish’s drama is based on the true story of a Baptist minister and his near-death experience.

George Weigel

Popes in These United States

THE HISTORY OF popes in these United States is full of surprises. And one of them – to begin at the beginning – includes the little-known fact that Blessed Paul VI was not the first pontiff to set foot on American territory, when he landed at newly renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport on Oct. 4, 1965. No, the first pope to plant a papal slipper on the sovereign territory of the U.S. was Blessed Pius IX, way back in 1849.

Pay TV Weakness Felt by Major Media

The cable television world is shrinking. Not by a lot, but it’s shrinking. The minor signs of shrinkage were felt by the behemoth TV companies even before the Wall Street swoon in August.

Carolyn Woo

Lessons From Mary

Since Pope Francis spoke of “feminine genius,” I get questions periodically as to what it possibly means. I could not speak for the pope. I could only reach for my own answers, which come into view through the people I associate with his description.