George Weigel

Christmas and a World Upside Down

Preachers at Christmas often emphasize the lowliness of the Christ Child’s birth. This pattern of inversion – turning everything upside-down – continues throughout the public ministry of the Lord Jesus and reaches its climax in His death and resurrection.

No One Should Be Alone at Christmas

A British department store is creating a buzz this Christmas after teaming with Age UK, a charity for senior citizens, to raise funds and awareness of the scourge of loneliness among the elderly today.

George Weigel

Recalling Two Great American Bishops

WE AMERICAN CATHOLICS are, in the main, notoriously uninterested in our own history. So it likely escaped the notice of many that Dec. 3 marked the bicentenary of the death of Archbishop John Carroll, one of the greatest who ever lived among us.

Carolyn Woo

Lessons for the Year of Mercy

AS THE YEAR of Mercy began, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, I remembered the popular parable: the prodigal son. Its graphic depiction of the younger son’s profligate behavior, the depth of his misery groveling for scraps among pigs, and the father’s magnanimous welcome with rings, robe, sandals and feast leave little unsaid about the father’s boundless mercy. However, the character who intrigues me is the older brother.

Works of Mercy to Help the Elderly

Pope Francis has a “burning desire” during this special Jubilee Year. He wants us to reflect on and practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy so that we may “enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy.”

Effie Caldarola

Looking for This Mysterious Woman

I’ve evolved through various stages of Marian devotion in my life. … Nevertheless, even today I struggle to know her.

George Weigel

Books for Christmas

IT’S BEEN A good reading year and I highly recommend the following to the readers on your Christmas (not “holiday”) shopping list.

Karen Osborne

Start Building a Peaceful Future

After the recent attacks on Paris, what happens next? What kind of world do we want to live in?
I remember being 12 and watching my country bomb Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. I remember wondering if girls like me in Baghdad were looking up at the fire in the sky from homes like mine, wondering if they were going to be all right.

What Happens in the Annulment Process?

For the past two weeks, I have been writing about the meaning and process of marriage annulments. How does this play out in the Diocese of Brooklyn?