Why Little Sisters Can’t ‘Just Sign the Form’

Sister Constance Veit, l.s.p., communications director for the Little Sisters of the Poor in the U.S., explains why the sisters could not “just sign the form” – the so-called “accommodation” to the HHS contraception mandate.

Brimming Bud of Human Potential

The abortion issue will get a ride in the upcoming presidential primaries, but sloganeering, not reasoned argument, will characterize the debate.

George Weigel

Anger and Citizenship

I hope that, as the 2016 campaign unfolds, the electorate will begin to understand that anger is not a particularly healthy metric of public life.

Supporting the Mission of Catholic Education

There are more than 100 million Americans living today who graduated from a Catholic school. If every graduate contributed a few dollars to a Catholic education fund, there would be no need to close or merge any Catholic school.

Thanks to ‘NUN of It’ Court Case Supporters

What do 207 members of Congress, 50 Catholic theologians, 13 law professors, nine professional associations and two prominent women’s organizations have in common with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the American Islamic Congress, the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists and the International Society of Krishna Consciousness?

Soldier: God Protected Me in Benghazi

Not only are there no atheists in foxholes, but some of the denominational differences seem to disappear, too, once you’re under heavy fire. That was the situation that Mark Geist and Kris Paronto found themselves in working as military contractors in Benghazi, Libya.

Our Duty to Those Who Doubt

Recently, I received a letter from a person desperate because his brother left the church in anger, saying a lot of what the church teaches is a myth. I told the person I would pray for the situation. But I imagine there are a lot of similar situations out there.

George Weigel

Opportunity Amid Demographic Crisis

State-sponsored cruelty has been a staple of the human condition for millennia. But has there ever been a more wicked policy, with more disastrous social consequences, than the “one-child policy” China began to implement in the early 1980s – a state-decreed population-control measure that resulted in, among other horrors, untold tens of millions of coerced abortions?

Effie Caldarola

Pray Your Way Through the Year

Pray first and ask what God wants of you. Then write down some goals. Don’t get too specific because as you pray your way through the year, God may help you define or refine your goals.

Bill Dodds

Memorable Messes in The Family Kitchen

“When it comes to making gravy, there are two kinds of people,” I said to my 10-year-old grandson this past Christmas. “Flour people and cornstarch people. We’re cornstarch people.” He nodded.