Strengthened by Other Survivors

I still feel “not so good” at times, but I am feeling hopeful that the scourge of sex abuse by clergy is at last being handled responsibly.

Still Battling to Recognize the Good and Focus on the Light

For the past few years, I’ve awoken each day to the same unstated question: “Who will win today, the light or the dark?” That’s what the last few years have felt like – a pitched battle for my mind and my soul.

Abuse Survivors Will Pray for Healing

A Mass is of Hope and Healing is by no means a way to erase that fact or to avoid it. Rather, it is the most powerful way to confront it and help to correct it.

George Weigel

The Merciful Grace Of the Truth

At the Easter Vigil a few weeks ago, tens of thousands of men and women, mature adults, were baptized or entered into full communion with the Catholic Church. Each of them walked a unique itinerary of conversion; each of these “newborn babes” (1 Peter 2:2) is a singular work of the Holy Spirit.

Strolling Amid Sands Of a New Creation

By faith, we know that evil has been vanquished. By experience, we know that it still exists. This is the mystery: vanquished, but not extinguished.

Prayers for Continued Hope and Healing

God has blessed me with the honor of accompanying survivors of clergy sexual abuse on their journey toward healing, and as we prepare for our second Mass of Hope and Healing, I invite all those who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse to join us.

Looking for the Good For Kids in Media

Common Sense Media is proposing with a new character development rating system. After polling parents about what character traits they most want to see displayed in the entertainment their children view, 11 qualities drew the most favor. Then Common Sense’s reviewers had to be trained on what to look for on screen when those traits are displayed.

Maureen Pratt

Coming Full Circle With Laughter

My first column was about taking laughter seriously. As a kickoff to this 10th anniversary, I thought I’d revisit the subject of how laughter might impact our lives and health, particularly through the prism of medical practice and science.