Fatima Statue Brings Peace to Brooklyn

Not often does the gathering of thousands of people of all ages, professions, ethnicities and walks of life, for the same celebration occur. When it does take place, the event must certainly be of great significance, as was the case with the arrival of the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dyker Heights, May 19, as part of the Fatima Centennial U.S. Tour for Peace.

Kung-Pao Diplomacy?

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, recently told an Italian journal that relations between the Vatican and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “are living a positive phase, as there have been signals from both sides that there is a wish to keep on talking in order to find together solutions to the problems of the presence of the Catholic Church in that huge country.”

Mary in Our Secular World

The month of May has been dedicated to the Virgin Mary for centuries – so long, in fact, that the precise origin of this Catholic devotion is lost in the mists of time.

Caring for the Needs of Our Senior Priests

At Bishop Mugavero Residence for Retired Priests in Douglaston, there are currently 37 priests and bishops who have served their ministry for the Diocese of Brooklyn for a total of 1,907 years, ranging from 38 years ordained to 70 – an average of 53 years.

George Weigel

Intolerance and Evangelization

Cardinal Robert Sarah is one of the adornments of the Catholic Church. He accepted episcopal ordination knowing that he might well be killed for his witness to Christ.

Moises Sandoval

A Month for Mothers

May is when we honor the women in our lives. For me, that it is when I most marvel at my mother. She taught me to work hard, fulfill commitments, be dependable and make sacrifices. But the most important gift she gave me was a strong foundation in faith.

George Weigel

Bible Preaching and Healing the Culture

If Catholics in the U.S. are going to be healers of our wounded culture, we’re going to have to learn to see the world through lenses ground by biblical faith. That form of depth perception only comes from an immersion in the Bible itself.

Effie Caldarola

Following Mercy, Not Anger

Anger defines many in various circles of the church. I’ve known social justice activists who are firebrands for their causes, but when they become discouraged, they can grow angry and embittered. They forget that the greatest social justice activist of all time was nailed to a cross. Immediate success in a cause is not guaranteed.

Bill Dodds

Accepting What God Has Chosen For Us

I’ve explained to God that He might want to rethink this free-will business. Yes, my generation can handle it, but those young people may not be able to handle it. “It seems to me,” I’ve told Him, “it’s just too much responsibility and freedom for them.” Apparently God disagrees.