The Persecution of Professor Esolen

by George Weigel PROFESSOR ANTHONY Esolen is a bright jewel in the crown of Catholic higher education in the U.S., a scholar whose brilliant translation of – and commentary on – Dante’s “Divine Comedy” is appreciated far beyond the boundaries of Catholic literary and intellectual life.

Recalling My Year of Mercy: Visiting the Sick

by AnnaMarie Prono REFLECTING ON THE past Holy Year of Mercy, I recall my visits to holy sites and walking through the Doors of Mercy. I was fortunate in that I traveled to Fatima, a wonderful pilgrimage destination. Locally, I ventured out to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Manorville, L.I., Graymoor and St. Patrick’s Cathedral were two other special places I visited.

Books for Christmas

Take a stand against the electrification of reading and consider the following, in properly bound form, as gifts for those on your Christmas – not “holiday” – list:

Racism Is a Disease That Must Be Cured

by Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Many diseases frighten us. We have learned important details about some of our most virulent illnesses, yet when outbreaks occur, even with our advanced medical discoveries, they can cause uneasiness or even panic.

What Pro-Lifers Want From Trump Presidency

by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, The last several years have clearly been challenging for the pro-life movement. The abortion industry, exposing its false rhetoric of choice, increasingly seeks to coerce Americans to be complicit with abortion, even insisting that abortion is a social good to be celebrated, subsidized and uncontrolled.

God’s Presence As Gift

Eight and last in a series, The more deeply we become aware of God’s loving presence in our lives, the more likely it is that we will respond to God lovingly.

Defending Pope Francis By Slandering Church

IF THE CIVIL NEW YEAR is an occasion to resolve to “do better” in the future, the liturgical new year, the real new year that begins at First Vespers on the First Sunday of Advent, is an even better moment for such resolutions. So permit me to suggest a Real New Year’s resolution to those who think it necessary to support Pope Francis by rewriting recent Church history: Stop it.

George Weigel

The Real Thomas More’s Final Act of Thanksgiving

Sir Thomas More bore witness and ultimately “grasped his death,” not to vindicate his sense of self, but as the final and ultimate act of thanks for his having been grasped – and saved – by Truth itself, the Thrice-Holy God.

Saying ‘Dayenu’ for All of Life’s Blessings

by Maria-Pia Negro Chin, IT IS ALWAYS A good time to stop and notice the hand of God in different aspects of our lives. But – given the stressful election cycle we have just been through – thanking God for His blessings during this Thanksgiving could be a tonic for the soul.