Through Hispanic Catholic Eyes

by Dr. Hosffman Ospino U.S. CATHOLICISM AND the Hispanic experience in the second decade of the 21st century practically go hand in hand. The evidence? Well, just look around. Look at the families attending Mass in our parishes, the children being baptized and receiving first Communion, the faces of young Catholics today, the various rhythms that give life to liturgical music in our parishes, among other signs.

A Tribute to Father Mulcahy

William Christopher passed away on Dec. 31, 2016, but he became a weekly presence in people’s living rooms during the 1970s and ’80s playing Army chaplain Father Francis John Patrick Mulcahy on the TV series “MASH.”


New Museum Passes on Rich Culture, History

IT IS ESTIMATED the new National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington has 33,000 objects, 3,500 of which are presently on display.

Final Broadcast for ‘Religion & Ethics’

PBS’ “Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly” – the only program of its kind: a weekly half-hour program that took a serious look at religion and religious issues across the spectrum of belief, and how faith intersected with politics, society and culture – will air its final broadcast in late February.

New Year’s Wishes for Some Catholic Brethren

2017 PROMISES to be a challenging year for the Catholic Church. Thus some new year’s wishes:
I wish Catholic progressives a calmer 2017 than they managed in 2016. The last months of the year now fading into the rear-view mirror were marked by an extraordinary number of bilious attacks on those raising questions about Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” from the party of dialogue, collegiality and pluralism.

Start the Year with Forgiveness

AS WE START the year and try to offer our hopes and challenges to God, I have been reflecting on how important it is to give and receive forgiveness. Pope Francis once called the family a training ground for mutual forgiveness. He also said we should try to make amends immediately.

Christmas and The Divine Proximity

IN OCTOBER 2001, I had a long conversation with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. It was but weeks after 9/11; a new century and millennium were opening before us; and I wanted to get Cardinal Ratzinger’s view on the main issues for the Church and for theology in the 21st century.

An Enduring Economic Revival Is Needed in US

by Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski
In my Labor Day statement this year, I highlighted the plight of millions of Americans who face twin crises – deep trials in both the world of work and the state of the family. In many ways, the recent election results are connected to working-class communities beset by these factors, and that feel abandoned and unheeded.

A Way Forward on Immigration

by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS of the United States designated Dec. 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as a national day of prayer for migrants and refugees.