The Resurrection Through Mary’s Eyes

Easter joy is here! The Mass readings focus now on the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to the Apostles and their exuberance over seeing Him again. Along with the disciples, there is someone else whose exuberance we might consider: Mary.

The Ambiguity of the Empty Cross

The cross is a captivatingly ambiguous symbol. When embraced to evoke life, it reminds us that it was an instrument of death. When embraced to remind us of the injustice of Jesus’ suffering and death, it points to hope in the resurrection.

Being Easter People

We have to live as people who truly believe not only in the resurrection of Jesus, but also that the resurrection of Jesus has made a difference in our own lives. This becomes apparent through our worship, outreach and service.

A Bishop of Consequence

WHEN I FIRST MET Bishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., more than 20 years ago, I was struck by his boyish demeanor, his exquisite courtesy and his rock-solid faith. Then the bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, a diocese that serves several reservations, Bishop Chaput was obviously proud of his Potawatomi heritage without wearing his roots, so to speak, on his sleeve. Moreover, his striking modesty and personal gentleness exemplified the Franciscan vocation he had embraced. Here, I thought, is a real pastor, living out the meaning of his episcopal motto, “As Christ loved the Church.”

Who Put Christ on The Cross?

by Carolyn Woo

THE CRUCIFIXION OF Our Lord is almost always depicted in art showing the torture from asphyxiation on the cross, the nails, the wound made by the spear, the crown of thorns or the beating on the way to Calvary. While these are indeed the implements that took the life of Jesus, they are not the initiators. These did not put Jesus on the cross. People did.

The Reality of Revelation

EVELYN WAUGH’S SLIM and critically unappreciated novel, “Helena,” was something of a literary experiment for a modern master of English literature. At bottom though, the novel – the only one of his books Waugh ever read aloud to his children – is an act of faith in the reality of revelation.

Online Ads Market More Directly to Kids Than TV

by Mark Pattison, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, having observed shameless efforts by mass-media marketers to use children to separate parents from their money, has had to step in repeatedly over the past 40-plus years with laws and regulations to stop this kind of exploitation. Today, though, regulatory bodies such as the Federal Communications Commission and the […]

What Are You Waiting For? Trust!

Have you ever put off a decision or action that you knew you needed to make? Did you reflect on why you hesitated to take that step? The antidote to this is trust in God. We can discover joy by taking risks, embracing trust and living lives of action.