‘Showman’ Is My Latest Favorite Film

by Father John Catoir

Sweeping biographies about great leaders like Lincoln, Gandhi and Churchill are at the top of my list of favorite movies. I also love musicals. Up until recently, my favorite musical was ‘My Fair Lady.” However, ‘The Greatest Showman’ has recently moved into first place.

Make a Plan to Stay on Course For Lent

by Effie Caldarola

WHEN MY SON and his male cousins headed to college, my daughter’s gift to them was a colorful book called “A Man, a Can, a Plan,” by David Joachim and the editors of Men’s Health.

Pork Roll, Lent and Catholic Identity

A FEW WEEKS before Ash Wednesday, an Associated Press squib with Lenten implications appeared in the Washington Post sports section:

Living Life Fully as Wife, Mother, Lay Franciscan

by Margaret Birth

I WAS A TEENAGER when an Episcopal priest, Father Ralph Byrd, introduced St. Francis of Assisi to about 150 of us retreatants by showing us the movie, “Brother Sun, Sister Moon.” He said it had transformed his life. The movie is a dramatized biography, largely inspired by St. Bonaventure’s Major Life of St. Francis. From then on, I was captivated.

Men Without Conviction, Churches Without People

EUROPE’S WHOLESALE abandonment of its Christian faith is often explained as the inevitable by-product of modern social, economic and political life. But there is far more to the story of Euro-secularization than that, as three ecclesiastics, a Presbyterian minister and two Italian priests demonstrated this past Christmas.

A Faithful Father, A Grateful Son

by Father Robert W. Blauvelt

SOME PEOPLE HAVE profound spiritual experiences praying in a church or contemplating a sunset or starry sky. I had one while looking at a weather-beaten farmhouse near Atlantic City, N.J.

Catholic Church Doesn’t Do ‘Paradigm Shifts’

It was unfortunate that Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, recently described “Amoris Laetitia,” Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on marriage and the family, as a “paradigm shift.” Perhaps the cardinal meant “paradigm shift” in some sense other than … paradigm-shift-as-rupture.

Our Eucharistic Lord Spoke to My Heart

THE DOMINICAN Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist – the name itself is a prayer. When I first met the community in 2000, it was only three years old and already growing rapidly. The Sisters’ full-length white habits and generous smiles bespoke their total self-gift and corresponding joy. In these religious sisters, I recognized the fulfillment of an unexpressed longing of my heart. Though life would bear me far from this moment, I never forgot.

Hispanic Children Need Catholic Education

MILLIONS OF Catholics in the United States were educated in Catholic schools during the past two centuries. It is no secret that such education has yielded amazing fruits for this particular faith community and for the larger society.