The Harvest Is Rich, Pray for More Laborers

THIS SUNDAY MARKS the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.”

Holding Onto Moral Standards and Beliefs

In our mixed-up society, when it is difficult to distinguish truth from lies, reality from ‘fake news,’ we must hold on to some moral standards and beliefs. Our faith teaches us that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Is there a better maxim than this?!

Patriarch Kirill and Mr. Putin

THE ANNALS OF sycophancy are, alas, replete with examples of churchmen toadying to political power. Here in the United States, we’ve seen too much of that among certain evangelical leaders recently. In today’s Sycophancy Sweepstakes, however, it’s hard to top Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

An Invitation to Love

There is no greater joy than accepting the invitation, the challenge even, to love God more each day. He calls me to draw nearer to Him every day in my community as His spouse. This is religious life: an invitation to love.

Air Turbulence and The Resurrection

If there’s anything Catholics in the United States should have learned over the past two decades, it’s that order – in the world, the Republic and the Church – is a fragile thing. And by “order,” I don’t mean the same old same old. Rather, I mean the dynamic development of world politics, our national life and the Church within stable reference points that guide us into the future.

Divinely Initiated and Totally Unmerited

A vocation is, like all graces, divinely initiated and totally unmerited. But as incarnate beings, vocations come to women and men in particular circumstances.

Joseph, Come and Follow Me

When I was in the seventh grade at Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Kensington, I told my parish priest, Msgr. Gerry Langelier: “I want to be like you.”

Sisterly Love for a Muslim Brother

It was a cold afternoon. The world seemed harsh and I felt somewhat miserable. I was letting the weather get me down. Then an act of love inflamed my heart and brought me such joy it made me think of heaven.

Fred Rogers Understood the Holiness of the Ordinary

Teachers and media producers who care about early childhood education should check out the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., where Fred’s philosophy of media is being applied in new and creative ways so that his legacy of caring and wisdom can be carried forward.

Seeing with Easter Eyes of Faith

by Jem Sullivan

IN THE AFTERMATH of Jesus’ violent death by crucifixion, his disciples were left shaken and doubtful. The risen Jesus’ appearances to his disciples moved them from fear to hope, and from doubt to faith.