In the Hands of the Lord

I was in the fifth grade at St. Teresa School in Woodside when I first felt an attraction toward the priesthood.

The Call to Holiness

IN THE CONTEMPORARY crisis of faith, Pope Francis speaks to all of humanity through his latest apostolic exhortation, “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”). It is his understanding of holiness, based on Ignatian spirituality. It furthers the principle he holds so dear to his ideology, that reality is greater than ideas.

Freedom Is Never Free

WHEN I FIRST visited Lviv, the principal city of western Ukraine in 2002, the transportation from plane to airport terminal was an old bus towed by a Soviet-era tractor; today, the airport is a model of cleanliness and efficiency. In 2002, the Old Town was shabby and begrimed; today, it’s become a major tourist destination, and while there is still more clean-up to do, the charms of an old Habsburg city are beginning to reveal themselves. To sit in a downtown restaurant and speak with the city’s mayor about his plans for further development, it’s easy to forget that you’re in a country at war.

Eileen Egan: A Woman of Uncompromising Faith

Eileen Egan was a person who, having seen the horrors of wars, did not just attend to their victims, but spent the rest of her life seeking the only solution that aligns with the Gospel.

Sweet Spots and Sacrifices

I HAVE NO business singing high C.

The second a hymn starts, I can tell by the notes whether the song’s range is in my comfort zone. Solidly alto, I am happiest singing F, G and A above middle C.

A Diverse College of Strangers

WITH THE EXCEPTION of the two consistories held by Pope John XXIII in 1958 and 1959, every creation of new cardinals since Pope Pius XII has decreased the percentage of Italian members of the College of Cardinals while internationalizing it. (John XXIII’s first consistory actually increased the Italian membership to 40 percent of an expanded college.) That pattern of internationalization, and if you will, de-Italianization has continued with Pope Francis and the college now includes members from 15 countries (such as Tonga, Laos, and Papua New Guinea) that have never given the Church a cardinal before.

Baseball and Synod 2018

I trust it won’t cause heartburn among the editors of Commonweal if I confess to having cheered at a recent article they posted, “Quit Trying to ‘Fix’ Baseball.” Therein, Professor Gregory Hillis of Bellarmine College took on MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred’s efforts to appeal to millennials – creatures from that deep lagoon known as “social media” – by speeding up the pastime. Professor Hillis called the ball foul, and I heartily concur.

Take That Bold Step Into the Unknown

by JohnPaul Obiaeri I CAN WRITE a book on my vocation journey so far, but permit me to share the concise version with you. I was six when my Dad passed away. All I could recall about him was his caring nature. I was born in the city, but moved down to the village to […]

Roe v. Wade Derangement Syndrome

THE DEFENSE OF the indefensible often leads to a kind of derangement in otherwise rational people. That was the case with the defenders of slavery and legalized racial segregation; it has become the case with abortion.