Full Immersion Catholicism

AS THIS CATHOLIC annus horribilis continues to unfold, perhaps some good news is in order; first, a little background.

Church to Ask Youth What They Think

by Brother Javier Hansen, F.S.C.

THE APPROACHING SYNOD on “Young people, faith and vocational discernment” next month in Rome is of huge importance to the Church. If you had told me the role I would be playing in this task a year ago, I would not have believed you.

Finding Salvation Amid False Hopes

A faux leather-bound Bible lay on the sidewalk as the crowds walked on by. It was a recent mid-August Sunday afternoon in Union Square near 15th Street. A few feet in front of the Bible stood a young 20-something man texting on his iPhone.

Why We Stay and The Vigano Testimony

In the immediate aftermath of Archbishop Carlo-Maria Vigano’s “Testimony,” and its statement that Pope Francis knew of the dereliction of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and lifted the sanctions against him that had been imposed (but never seriously enforced) by Pope Benedict XVI, the polemics within the Church immediately intensified.

Fackenheim’s Law and the Current Catholic Crisis

Catholics filled with righteous anger over the vile behavior of the former archbishop of Washington, Theodore McCarrick, and Catholics determined to help reform the Church in order to cleanse the Church and prevent similar wickedness in the future, have something to learn from Rabbi Fackenheim. In our case, the lesson must be: Don’t give the Evil One victories.

Bilingualism Is Our Catholic Treasure

If you attend any major Catholic gathering throughout the United States, chances are that talks are offered in the two predominant languages in which most Catholics worship in the country, namely English and Spanish.

Is There a Need for Permanent Deacons?

My sacramental theology class during formation included so much information about the matter, form, minister and recipient of each sacrament. It was wonderful for someone like me, a “cradle Catholic” who does not recall learning all these essential facts.

Friday Mornings Without Charles Krauthammer

TAKE MY WORD FOR IT: You don’t want to be around me at breakfast. I am not a chipper morning person, and it’s best to leave me to the coffee and the newspaper – and I mean newspaper, not online edition – until I become fit for human company.

Invest in Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders Today

CATHOLICS IN THE United States have excelled in developing amazing structures and resources for pastoral leadership formation at all levels in seminaries, houses of formation, colleges and universities, pastoral institutes, online programs and catechetical formation initiatives, among others.