Soho Pilgrimage: A Christmas Meditation

To be a pilgrim is to be going somewhere. That somewhere is the Kingdom come among us at Christmas, and coming again in power and glory. The St. Patrick’s Advent Mission procession invited an aggressively secular and sometimes sordid part of London to join that journey to beatitude.

Extra! Extra! Can You Read All About It?

by Greg Erlandson

Fifty-three journalists were killed worldwide in 2018. Some died in war, but a shocking number died exposing corruption, covering protests or just doing their job. Time magazine called them and their harassed and persecuted colleagues “Guardians” of truth, and named them collectively “Person of the Year.”

Christmas Crowds Are Good News

QUICK REMINDER FOR those of us who attend Mass regularly. Many people are going to join us on Dec. 24 and 25 who don’t normally come to church. They will take our parking spots, our usual pews, our hymnals and our coat hooks.
What fantastic news!

The Advent of Christmas

IN THE LINER notes of an album, musicians usually thank their colleagues, staff, and family for their talent and support. But on the back cover of Grammy nominee Matt Maher’s new record “The Advent of Christmas,” the singer-songwriter expresses an unusual sentiment of gratitude: “Thanks to the red cardinal that kept showing up during the making of this record.”

A Christmas Prelude

This time of year, we reflect on one Marian visitation unique to the western hemisphere and to the Americas – Our Lady of Guadalupe. … Perhaps now is the time for the Americas to revisit the Blessed Mother’s message.

Advent – An Invitation To Practice Hospitality

Yes, as we go through life waiting for history’s final moment, we have a responsibility to welcome one another, to take care of each other, especially those who are most vulnerable. They are the face of Jesus Christ among us.

Music to Inspire the Human Heart and Spirit

by Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari

“IT’S NOT THE news that any of us hoped that we would hear; it’s not the road we would have chosen.” These are the opening lines of Ellie Holcomb’s song “Find You Here.”