Great Knights For Catholics and Jews

Back when I was a newspaper reporter covering religion, there were two experts from the Jewish community I could always count on for accurate information, precious analysis, and a wonderful sense of humor: Rabbi Leon Klenicki and Rabbi A. James Rudin. 

An Open Letter to The Synod Secretary

The “National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Diocesan Phase of the 2021-2023 Synod,” prepared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is a very disappointing document, not least because it largely focuses on what the 1% of U.S. Catholics who participated in these “synodal” discussions find wrong with the Church

Thank You, Your Majesty the Queen

Americans have many reasons to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II, one of the few truly noble figures on the contemporary world stage. 

Msgr. Jonas Achacoso

Due Care & Safety Of Tabernacles

The Church asserts that there has always been due diligence exercised as to her responsibility in giving precautions for the care and security of the reservation of the Holy Eucharist in tabernacles.

On the Accelerating Passage of Time

In one of his Blackford Oakes novels, William F. Buckley, Jr. had a character crack a Wagnerian joke along these lines: What is Siegfried? Siegfried is the opera that begins at 7 p.m. and when you wake up three hours later, you’re shocked to find out that it’s only 7:30.

Another Assault On John Paul II

On May 13, 1981, Pope John Paul II had lunch in the papal apartment with Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the renowned French pediatrician and geneticist who identified the chromosomal abnormality that causes Down Syndrome.

The Irrepressible Midge Decter

About two-thirds of the way through that fine 1992 film, A League of Their Own, star catcher Dottie Hinson has had enough of the grind and is ready to quit.

The Lessons of Russian Warmaking

Four and a half months after Russia invaded Ukraine on the Orwellian pretext of displacing a “Nazi” regime — a regime that enjoys a democratic legitimacy absent from Russia for two decades — what have we learned about, and from, the Russian way of war?

Long Day’s Journeys Need Pro-Life Light

Looking into the soft brown eyes of a young girl who had seemed destined not to live made me shudder for a moment. Shudder for how easily this nation has allowed so many, many beautiful girls and handsome boys to literally miss seeing the light of day.