Two Summer Mission Appeals have already taken place, and with extremely positive results. Every year dozens of missionary priests, brothers, sisters, lay missionaries, and even some bishops come to every parish in our diocese and make presentations about their various ministries.
Guest Columnists
The Oldest Cathedral, The Newest Challenge
It’s now the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but for native Baltimoreans of a certain vintage (like me), it is, was, and always will be “the Old Cathedral:” the first of its kind in the United States.
The Power to Prohibit Communion
In Canon Law, the power to impose sanctions is under the exercise of authority, which we call “potestas regiminis” or “potestas jurisdictionis.” In English, it is the power of governance, which is of divine origin; hence it is a sacred power. In ministerial terms, it is the exercise of the governing office of Christ or the “munus regendi.”
The Healer: Paul McHugh at 90
One of the adornments of American Catholicism turned 90 on May 21: Dr. Paul R. McHugh, longtime head of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Hospital and a healer after the heart of the Divine Physician. Few scientists have made greater contributions to unraveling the mysteries of our complex inner lives than Paul McHugh.
A Most Unfortunate Roman Intervention
Cardinal Ladaria’s letter includes statements that are not self-evidently clear, in part because they seem inconsistent with what the congregation he heads taught in its 2002 “Doctrinal Note,” entitled The Participation of Catholics in Political Life.
Vatican II on Catholics In Public Life
The Second Vatican Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (often referenced by its Latin title, Gaudium et Spes) is typically regarded as the most “progressive” of the 16 documents of Vatican II: the conciliar text that bespoke a new Catholic embrace of modernity while aligning the Church with liberal democratic political forces throughout the world.
Gaia, False Gods, and Public Policy
Is ours a secular world? Or is it a world that’s traded authentic religion for a modern form of idolatry — one that’s corrupting our politics because it displaces reason with the kind of existential dread the ancient Canaanites once felt about Moloch?
Marriage and Schizophrenia
For this Month of Mental Health, we will discuss whether a person with schizophrenia can validly contract marriage. Apparently, the combination of marriage and schizophrenia in a mathematical equation may equal marital failure and sacramental invalidity.
What Would Cardinal Meyer Say?
Unfortunately forgotten in most U.S. Catholic circles today, Cardinal Albert Gregory Meyer, archbishop of Milwaukee from 1953 to 1958 and archbishop of Chicago from 1958 to 1965, was one of the country’s leading churchmen in the mid-20th century.
Hans Küng and The Perils of Fame
Hans Küng certainly had talent. His doctoral dissertation on Karl Barth, arguably the greatest of 20th-century Protestant theologians, became a pioneering book in ecumenical theology.