Seven Reasons to Remain a Catholic

by Therese J.Borchard In a previous column, I listed some reasons to be Catholic, a ready response to throw at people who question why I would be part of such a flawed religion. But by far the best resource on this subject is a book hot off the press from my longtime mentor and co-editor […]

What Does it Mean To Be Holy?

By Father John Catoir Accepting God’s will is the goal of a healthy spiritual life. Acceptance of God’s permissive will is an advanced stage of personal holiness. Holiness is not the reward of a lifetime of loving service; we give a lifetime of loving service because we are holy. Holiness is not what happens to […]

Health Is Priceless, Health Care Is Not

by Father William J. Byron, S.J. I’ve been reading and talking a lot about health care in recent weeks. Whenever someone mentions health care “reform,” I find myself always thinking (and sometimes saying), “No, it’s health care finance reform that is the issue,” not reform in general. No one wants to dismantle or reform the […]

Mixed Feelings Over Meatless Fridays

by Effie Caldarola Recently it was announced that the Catholic bishops of England and Wales are bringing back meatless Fridays as a form of penance in their dioceses. I have mixed feelings about this no doubt well-meaning effort to reintroduce penance into the lives of Catholics. Years ago, when the long-standing practice of abstaining from […]

Vengeance Is Not Justice for Bin Laden

by Father William Byron, S.J. “Ex ore infantium” are the Latin words for the Scripture phrase that Jesus quoted in reminding His hearers that “out of the mouths of infants” praise and sometimes even wisdom can be spoken (Mt 21:16). Jesuit Father Mark Horak, pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington, D.C., reversed that […]