Words matter in the celebration of the Sacraments, and every word that the Church gives us in the rituals matters. Sacraments are made up of both matter and form.
Blessed Are the Flexible …
As we enter into a new school year, we are edified by the work done by our Catholic schools and academies; With the passing of Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC, the Diocese as a whole mourns the loss of a man who was dedicated to Catholic education.
Communion in the Midst of Division
To the outside world, the United States seems to be a nation divided and, sadly, perhaps we are, in some ways.
Pray for Lebanon; Pope Emeritus Benedict Sick?
The devastation that occurred in Beirut, Lebanon, on Tuesday, August 4, is staggering. The explosion that occurred affected an area that, were it to have happened in our New York area, would have an impact from Newark to Nassau County, Long Island.
Can We Call 2020 a ‘Year of Grace’?
As we enter this month of August, we come to the realization that the summer months are almost over and the new school year will soon begin.
Sanger’s Name Being Removed Is the Start
On July 21, 2020, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York decided to remove the name of Margaret Sanger, one of the main founders of this organization, from its Manhattan clinic.
A Prayer for Catholic Schools
One of the key worries that many have concerning the next academic year 2020-2021 is whether classes will be conducted on site or online. What is the best solution? This is a question from so many concerning all levels of education. What will school look like in the future? And, in particular, what can and should Catholic schooling look like next year?
Violence Is Never the Answer
What happened in Brooklyn last weekend when concerned citizens gathered to make their views known was nothing short of shameful and cast a foreboding shadow over the course of current events.
The Need to Develop Virtues
Virtues remind us of the ultimate final goal of our life — to become like God! Put everything else aside — all of our temporary desires and preoccupation, and what is most important, in the end, is our final destiny.
It’s a Blessing That We Are Soon Open Again
With the good news that daily Masses can resume in the Diocese of Brooklyn, albeit with a limited 25 percent capacity, on Monday, June 29, and for Sunday Mass, on the weekend of July 4-5, there
is much for us to be grateful for at this juncture.