Ed Wilkinson

The Pro-Life Message Is Gently Being Heard in America

As I watched the March for Life live on television, I was amazed at the amount of coverage in the social media. The Twitter world was abuzz with what was going in Washington D.C., Facebook was flush with photos, and Instagram showed the action as it was unfolding.

Detective Steven McDonald Was a Saint for Our Times

Santo subito! Sainthood now!

That was the chant when Pope John Paul II’s coffin was carried through St. Peter’s Square. It very well could be our chant as we say goodbye to Detective Steven McDonald.

Pumpkin Soup and Camels Help Make Brooklyn Diverse

As we began a new year, Haitians observed New Year’s Day as their Independence Day and they celebrated by drinking pumpkin soup. This coming weekend, Hispanics mark the Feast of the Epiphany. Part of that celebration will be the Parade of the Three Kings with live camels in Williamsburg.

President-elect and Pope Are The Significant People of 2016

Two things – one political and the other ecclesiastical – tell the story of 2016. The election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and Pope Francis’ issuance of “Amoris Laetitia” were the signature moments of the year. Both point to revolutionary moments in the history of the country and the Church.

Readers Are Responding to Bright Christmas Campaign

One of the most satisfying aspects of The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign is opening the mail and reading the personal notes that so many of our readers send with their contributions. “I’m grateful to God for the many blessings He’s bestowed on me that enable me to share with others,” writes Marie Fleuranges of Jamaica. “I hope every child and family has a truly Bright Christmas.”

Requests To Help Children Arriving at a Record Level

Not sure why, but we have been deluged with requests for help from our annual Bright Christmas campaign. Maybe the times aren’t as good as some of us think and the poor need more assistance this year than we even thought.

Bright Christmas Campaign Is Now Officially Underway

It hardly seems possible that Thanksgiving has arrived and Christmas is just around the corner. Parishes and diocesan groups are making their plans for Christmas celebrations and that, of course, means requests are arriving for help from The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund.