Keeping Up With What’s Going On

In her first three days covering World Youth Day activities in Madrid, Spain, Tablet reporter Antonina Zielinska logged only six hours of sleep. Instead of relaxing, she has been taking photos and writing stories about the almost 600 pilgrims from Brooklyn and Queens who are attending the week-long gathering that culminates Sunday, Aug. 21, with […]

Gov. Carey Was a Neighborhood Guy

From all indications, the late Gov. Hugh Carey was a very successful governor and congressman.  As a homegrown product of the Brooklyn Diocese, there was always considerable pride in the Brooklyn-born politician. Gov. Carey came out of Park Slope where he attended St. Augustine Diocesan H.S. before moving on to St. John’s University and St. […]

Patriarch Visits Brooklyn Flock

It was exciting moment when the Catholic Coptic Patriarch of Egypt stopped by our offices last week. Earlier in the day, I attended the 9 a.m. Mass celebrated by His Beatitude Antonios Cardinal Naguib. Following Mass and breakfast, Tablet reporter Antonina Zielinska interviewed the patriarch at the rectory. After that, he was chauffeured the four […]

An Antidote to The Bad News

Someone in the newsroom looked at the day’s headlines and said, “Looks like another bad day for the Church!” A glance at the rundown of news can be depressing.  President Obama has thrown his support behind legislation pending in both houses of Congress that would repeal the 15-year-old Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  This would […]

Church Figures Not Uplifting

The Official Catholic Directory for 2011 arrived on my desk the other day. It is the official compilation of the statistics from every diocese in the United States. Those of us who frequently use this volume refer to it as the Kennedy Directory because it is published annually by P. J. Kennedy and Sons. This […]

Gearing Up for World Youth Day

This week’s cover story about the cloistered Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará Sisters in Flatlands who sewed penitential stoles for the upcoming World Youth Day is the kickoff of our coverage of the historic event which will take place in Madrid, Spain, Aug. 16-21. Between now and the opening ceremonies, The […]

What Happened to Objective Truth?

Less than a week after New York State radically altered the definition of marriage to include people of the same-sex, Rhode Island has taken a different tact. By a vote of 21-16, the State Senate approved legislation, already approved by the House, that approved same-sex unions, without calling those arrangements marriages.  The legislation grants the […]

We’re Moving, We Are Not on Vacation

As I write this, there are boxes all around me.  I need to pack. Outside the office, summer interns are busy clearing cabinet files. Documents containing business transactions and editorial matters are being stored in cardboard boxes as they are made ready for another move of The Tablet’s office. As you should already know, there […]

Switching Sides on Gay Marriage

Three local State senators switched their votes from “No” to “Yes” on the subject of same-sex marriage, putting much of the Church’s social ministry in jeopardy. Sens. Joseph Addabbo and Shirley Huntley of Queens and Sen. Carl Kruger of Brooklyn made their last minute U-turns in the midst of dramatic politicial arm-twisting as the possibility […]

The Drama of Ordination Day

There are many dramatic moments in any ordination ceremony. In the past two weeks, we have experienced two ordination liturgies. The first, at Our Lady of Angels Church, Bay Ridge, saw 27 men raised to the ministry of deacon. This past weekend, three young men were ordained priests at St. James Cathedral-Basilica in Downtown Brooklyn. […]