Benedictine Abbey Offers Hospitality

What a pleasure it was to once again sit down and chat with Mother Dolores Hart!  The occasion was her visit to Woodside where she was a guest speaker at the Communion-breakfast hosted by Corpus Christi parish. Several years ago, Father Frank Mann, my wife Sheila and I drove up to Bethlehem, Conn., where Mother […]

Policing ‘Separation’ Of Church and State

The separation of church and state is the most misunderstood issue in the country.  The founders of the nation wrote in the “separation” in order to protect religion. But today, the concept is being misinterpreted to disconnect the church from the public arena. That’s impossible to do, as Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio pointed out in his […]

Help Pols Stop Wasting Time

You wonder why so many people have given up on politicians? The waste of time known as the Reproductive Health Act, which the state legislators are currently spending much too much time on, is a case in point. Instead of trying to figure how to cut spending, lower our taxes, and balance the debt in […]

There’s a New Cardinal in Town

For newly elevated Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the weekend was all about his new red birettum. This was a weekend to celebrate the cardinal’s new status in the Church.  On Saturday, Feb. 25, he presided over a double header at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. In the morning, there was an ecumenical prayer service that was attended by […]

Greeting the New Prince of the City

His Eminence Timothy Dolan, who is a longtime Cardinals fan, is now a member of the team. And it’s only natural that we shared in the joy of the archdiocese as Archbishop Timothy Dolan became a cardinal last weekend. The Diocese of Brooklyn is unique in that it shares the city with the Archdiocese of […]

Now Is the Time To Take a Stand

President Obama has managed to do what few others have.  In one short, bumbling press conference, he galvanized members of the various faith communities into a united voice for religious liberty. At first, it appeared like the president was in the mood for a compromise on his mandate for health care coverage. It looked like […]

The Cardinal Was A Credit to Diocese

When news came that Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua died, there was almost a sigh of relief.  The native son of Brooklyn who had accomplished so much for the Church has been ill for years with cancer and dementia. Friends who have tried to visit have been turned away because he was not always up to company. […]

Special Weekend of Programs on NET

This weekend, The NET will broadcast its first telethon. Part of the three-day (Feb. 3-5) programming will be two special editions of Currents, the daily news show that is seen on the diocesan television station each evening at 7:30 p.m. Currents is the only daily Catholic TV show in the world, as far as we […]

Gov’t Doesn’t Want You to Be Catholic

The Church in the United States is in deep trouble. If history was a football game, the referee would immediately throw a flag and penalize the government for encroachment.  This week’s announcement that the Catholic Church and other non-profits have a year to fall in line with the dangerous dictates of ObamaCare is nothing more […]

Coming to a Pulpit Near You…

For the past two months, Father Frank Mann has been moving around the diocese, speaking about The Tablet, trying to bolster our circulation and help pastors save money. He has been to six different parishes in Brooklyn and Queens to urge people to sign up for individual subscriptions to The Tablet rather than have their […]