A Lesson Worth Teaching

As students prepare to arrive back in their classrooms, I hope that teachers are planning a lesson on the historical significance of Neil Armstrong, who died this past week. The first man to walk on a celestial body, Armstrong’s name is right up there in the history books with Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus. Sometimes, […]

Getting Out the Catholic Vote

When I turned 18, I still couldn’t vote. You had to be 21 at the time to cast a ballot. When I finally got the chance to exercise my civic duty, I did so with gusto. And I haven’t missed an opportunity since then to make my choice known in an election. That’s why I’m […]

Have a Question for Bishop DiMarzio?

Each year during Catholic Schools Week, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio visits a number of schools in the diocese. At each stop, he likes to play a game with the student body when the students come together in an assembly. He calls it “Stump the Bishop.” Any boy or girl can stand up, speak into the microphone […]

A Call for Civility in The Public Debate

We seem to be living in a world of extremes. The headlines scream at us from two distant poles. Liberal – conservative. Gay – straight. Vatican – LCWR. Skinheads – Sikhs. Fox News – MSNBC. Pro-life – Pro-abortion. Rich – poor. Black – white. We are polemically divided, starting our arguments from two different directions! […]

Time Running Out on Religious Freedom

This past week, some of the more unsavory parts of the Affordable Health Care Act (ObamaCare) went into effect. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius used the occasion to trumpet Aug. 1, 2012, as “a new day for women’s health in America.” “Thanks to the new health care law, all insurance policies will be […]

Check Out What the Real Church Is Doing

In case you need another reason for the necessity of the Catholic Press, look no further than the current controversy surrounding the Administration’s attempt to redefine who the Catholic Church is and what it does. You won’t find much about this in the secular press that is too preoccupied with the latest sexcapades of the […]

The Making of New Auxiliary Bishops

Everyone agrees that the recent episcopal ordinations of Bishops Chappetto and Sanchez went flawlessly.  From the moment that the leaders of the procession stepped out of Our Lady of Angels School onto 74th St. to the time the lights went out after the reception in the gymnasium, the schedule proceeded like clockwork.  No blips, no […]

These Two Bishops Have the Right Stuff

On our Currents interview with Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, the bishop said that our new auxiliary bishops, Ray Chappetto and Paul Sanchez, are two of the most highly regarded priests in the diocese. He talked about the selection process: how polls are taken of the local clergy, how questionnaires are distributed to clergy and laity alike, […]

Busy News Week Offers Variety of Reactions

It’s been a busy news week. The biggest story of the week – the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Health Care Act, better known as ObamaCare – happened after The Tablet went to press. That’s the problem with a weekly newspaper. You’re always catching up. We will have complete coverage of church-related reactions to […]

Some Recommended Summer Reading

In two weeks, we will be publishing our annual survey of what people in the diocese are reading this summer.  But before we do that, I want to tell you about a significant book, which if it is not, should be on your list. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil […]