Another Step on the Road to Priesthood

The 10 men who were ordained as deacons by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio last weekend at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn, will be joined by three more transitional deacons when they are ordained as priests of the diocese next spring. That ordination is scheduled to be held at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, the first ordinations […]

Saints Revered for Good Works, Persevering Faith

For the past two weeks, we have been talking about the saints. St. Anthony of Padua was selected as our favorite saint by a poll of several hundred Tablet readers. The runners-up included St. Therese the Little Flower, St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Jude, in that order. Now for a few overall […]

Other Saints Also Deserve a Mention

Last week, we reported that St. Anthony of Padua has once again been chosen as our favorite saint. In a poll of several hundred Tablet readers, the preacher from Italy who is known to help people find lost items was the top vote-getter, garnering one in every five nods. While St. Anthony was the clear […]

St. Anthony of Padua Wins Tablet Poll Again

After several hundred ballots, it’s official: St. Anthony of Padua is still our favorite saint. Fourteen years ago, we took a poll of our readership and discovered that St. Anthony was No. 1 among prayer recipients from our diocese. This year, we thought things might have changed, since there are so many more saints from […]

Bridgeport Lucky to Get Bishop Frank Caggiano

When news came that Bishop Frank Caggiano had been named the fifth Bishop of Bridgeport, Conn., it was not really a shock. It was expected that Bishop Frank, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Brooklyn, would someday become the Ordinary Bishop of a diocese. A priest with the talent and abilities of Bishop Frank […]

Holy Surprise! Did You Hear What Pope Said?

From his pastoral visit to Brazil and his participation in World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, we are learning that Pope Francis is a pope of surprises. The new pope has made it clear that he is a man who wants to be close to people. He has asked for less security and greater […]

We’re on the Ground in Rio with WYD Delegates

As The Tablet goes to press this week, Pope Francis is marking his second day in Rio de Janeiro where he has traveled for World Youth Day. The Brooklyn Diocese has sent more than 200 young people to the international gathering, making it the largest total from any diocese in the U.S. and third among […]

Tell Us Who Are Your Favorite Saints

More than 10 years ago, I wrote a summer column asking people to tell us who were their favorite saints. We received hundreds of responses from people throughout the diocese. There was an overwhelming favorite, although it somewhat surprised me. I’m not going to revive your memory by naming who “won” the survey because I […]

Brooklyn Cathedral: Some Still Call It Home (with slideshow)

The Cathedral brand still lives in Brooklyn. Cathedral College, 555 Washington Ave., in the Clinton Hill neighborhood, hasn’t held a class in almost 30 years, but the Flemish style building on the corner of Atlantic Avenue is still known as Cathedral. Now it’s Cathedral condominiums, home to 54 residences, some duplex, some triplex, with each […]

Another Embarrassing Week in Albany

Last week’s charades in Albany were embarrassing and simply put – more of what we have gotten used to in the state Capitol. Despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s stated desire to clean up the corruption in Albany, we have seen more disgraced politicians resigning (or being booted) from office and most of our representatives playing the […]