An Up-Close View of Co-Cathedral’s Renovations (with slide show)

One of the fun things about being a journalist is that you get to do things that other people do not. Last week, I found myself climbing a seven-story high scaffolding inside St. Joseph Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, to get an up-close look at the restoration of the building. I wasn’t alone. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and […]

Not Welcome in Cuomo’s, de Blasio’s New York

Less than a month as mayor and Bill de Blasio has already stubbed his big toe. The city’s new chief executive has played the political expediency game and jumped on the Andrew Cuomo bandwagon that would round up pro-life activists and drive them out of New York. Not missing a chance to cuddle up to […]

Holy Name’s ‘New’ Altar Is a Historic Piece

The parishioners at Holy Name parish, Windsor Terrace, have a long memory. They know their past, and they want their present to be remembered in the years to come. That’s why as part of their church renovations that are currently taking place, they are preparing a time capsule to be built into the new historic […]

Can You Picture This?: It’s Cold Out There

Oh, baby, it’s cold outside! You could hear those words all around the diocese – and all across the country – this past week First, it was the foot of snow that was dumped on the city that closed the Catholic as well as the public schools on Jan. 3. A few days later, the […]

Pope Francis Is World’s Most Interesting Man

Catholic News Service used to survey the editors in the Catholic Press to determine their choices for stories of the year as well as person of the year. I’m not sure why, but last year, it stopped taking the poll. If it was being taken this year, the person of the year category could just […]

Gifts of Light Help Brighten Our Christmas

The weather outside was frightful. The wind-swept snow and chilly temperatures were hardly delightful. But that didn’t stop the show from going on at St. Athanasius Church in Bensonhurst and St. Bernard’s Church in Mill Basin. Actor-singer Robert Davi (“The Goonies,” “License to Kill,” “Die Hard”) braved the elements to perform two concerts, one at […]

Staff Discovers: It’s in Giving That You Receive

DeSales Media Group, the parent company of The Tablet, offers its staff opportunities to grow spiritually as well as materially. Last weekend, as part of our quarterly retreat program, the folks who work for The Tablet, NET-TV and the Catholic Television Network participated in a day of service. We visited the residents at SS. Joachim […]

The Requests Continue As Christmas Nears

And so the requests continue to arrive here on my desk. With The Tablet’s Bright Christmas campaign now in full swing, diocesan leaders in child care write to us asking for some special help at Christmas. For instance, Sister Breige Lavery, R.S.M., who runs the Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center in Fort Greene, has reached out […]

Bright Christmas Pleas Deserve to Be Answered

Let the Bright Christmas Campaign begin! Actually, requests for funding have already arrived. Some donations are being processed. Now, for the official opening! For more than 40 years, The Tablet has conducted its Bright Christmas drive to help needy kids enjoy Christmas. The process is simple. We make a plea to our readers for money. […]

Here’s a Bill That Would Help All of Our Schools

There is a bill currently pending in Albany that would benefit both public and parochial schools, thus expanding parents’ ability to choose the right schools for their children. The bill, which has passed the State Senate (55-4), is working its way through the N.Y.S. Assembly. It would make tax credits available to those who donate […]