Fasten Seatbelts, Papal Trip Is About to Begin

The lights are ready to be turned on. The set is complete. The cameras are in place. All we need now is for Pope Francis to begin his trip to Cuba and the United States and we will have the action we have been anticipating.

Calm Winds of Change at Seminary in Yonkers

This is the fourth year that seminarians from Brooklyn and Queens will study theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. For 80 years prior to that, the men had lived at Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington. The change is part of a new inter-diocesan program that consolidates resources and opens up opportunities for theological studies to others besides men studying for the priesthood.

The Pope Is Coming! The Pope Is Coming!

If you think things slow down in the summer, don’t tell that to those of us here at DeSales Media. For months now, we’ve been preparing for the visit of Pope Francis, who will be in our city from Sept. 24 to Sept. 26. Most of His New York activities will take place on Friday, the 25th, as the Holy Father visits Ground Zero, speaks at the United Nations, celebrates Mass at Madison Square Garden and perhaps takes a Popemobile ride through Central Park.

Bernie’s Byline Graced Tablet’s Sports Page

When news about the death of Bernie Beglane reached us, it was not a surprise. Bernie had been in failing health for the past couple years while members of his family cared for him at his Hampton Bays, L.I., home. He was 88 years old when he died at home on Wednesday, Aug. 19.

Does Anyone Realize A War Is Going On?

As we quickly approach the 14th annual commemoration of the devastating Sept. 11th attacks upon America, you would never know that we are engaged in a great world war and that the enemy is encroaching on us every day.

Bringing New Life to The New Evangelization

I took a walk through Bushwick to view some of the street art that has been rapidly filling up the walls of the factories and local business. I’m talking legitimate art, not illegal graffiti. You can stroll along Wilson or Willoughby Ave. or you can walk down Bogart or Ten Eyck Street. The murals that have been spray painted on the exteriors of the buildings are very evident. They are expressive, colorful and magnificent.

Mario’s Journey ‘From Hopeless to Hollywood’

When you first meet Mario Bosco, you have the feeling that you’ve seen him somewhere before. The chances are pretty good that you have. You may have seen him on TV or on the big screen or maybe it was walking down Bay Parkway one afternoon or maybe it was at a prayer meeting at St. Athanasius Church in Bensonhurst. Mario has a persona you don’t forget. Although only four feet, 10-inches tall, and weighing only 85 pounds, he possesses a personality that towers above most others.

Dominicans Connect With Pope’s Words (with slide show)

Caring for all of God’s creation is the theme of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical “Laudato si’.” It’s also been at the heart of a farming project conducted for the past 20 years by the Sisters of St. Dominic at their motherhouse in Amityville, L.I.

Remembering Another B’klyn Auxiliary Bishop

The ordination of a bishop is always a joyous occasion. This past Monday afternoon was no different when two Brooklyn priests – Father James Massa and Witold Mroziewski – were ordained to the episcopacy. Diocesan functions are something like a reunion. There are many people you see only at such events when all the various segments of the diocese are represented.

Sisters Continue to Plant Seeds of Hope

When Pope Francis published his encyclical Laudato Si’, about caring for all of God’s creation, members of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, were ecstatic. The pope’s words reinforced something that they have been doing for years at their motherhouse in Brentwood, L.I. Two of the sisters, Mary Lou Buser, and Heather Ganz, who happens to be the youngest member of the Order, maintain and nourish a Garden Ministry that was begun in 1986.