Social Workers Talk About Life During COVID

March is National Social Work Month and the theme of this year’s celebration is “Social Workers are Essential.” The theme would seem to be right on target, judging from what Karen Wilkow, a social worker with 20 years of experience has to say about her job.

What’s Life Been Like Since Becoming Fully Vaccinated?

Ashley Lantz was one of the first local Catholic school teachers to receive the first vaccine shot when appointments opened in early January. As luck would have it — or rather, it being “a part of God’s plan,” as Lantz says — she found an afternoon appointment on Jan. 11, the first day of eligibility for teachers in New York City.

Parish Outreach Helps Seniors Secure Vaccines; No One Is Turned Away

“Every time I tried to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, it was like I met with a brick wall,” said the 79-year-old Holy Names sister. She reached out to her doctor, attempted to navigate the Oregon Health Authority website and called the local public health information line.

Pro-Life Groups Warn That New COVID Relief Bill Funds Abortion

The House passed the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, also referred to as the American Rescue Plan of 2021, early Saturday morning, Feb. 27. While the bill will fund vaccines, testing and tracing, and will also provide economic relief to American families and adult dependents, it doesn’t include prohibitions on abortion funding.