Radio Evangelization on the Air

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The message of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to evangelize has been strong and consistent: “Go forth.” In a time when so many Catholics have drifted away from the Church, we have to live by Pope Francis’ word to spread the Joy of the Gospel. I am pleased to announce our efforts as a Diocese to help in this task.

Renewed Calls for Peace

Last week, we commemorated the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September, now in its 13th year. With each passing year, our memory of this event seems not to fade, as it is indelibly imprinted on our souls.

Catholic Schools Remain Strong

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Recently in an address at the Vatican to students and teachers, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, shared that “schools are a precious means for making a contribution to the progress of the Church and of society as a whole.”

Solidarity in the Workplace

Each year, prior to Labor Day, the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development issues a statement that comments on the present situation of labor in our Nation.

Healing for the Human Race

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The events of the last several weeks in Staten Island and Missouri give evidence to the deep racial divide that still exists in our country.

Openness to Life and Responsibility

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

In the final article of my three-part series on the preparatory document on the Synod of the Family, Part III is entitled: “An Openness to Life and Parental Responsibility in Upbringing.”

The Challenges to Marriage

This week, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio begins the second of his three-part series of articles on the upcoming Synod on of the Family and moves to the issues for consideration in Part II of the document entitled: “The Pastoral Program for the Family in Light of New Challenges.”

Reimagining the Natural Law

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Today, I am beginning a three-part series of articles based on the working document for the World Synod of Bishops entitled, “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization,” to be held in Vatican City in October.

Natural Way for Family Planning

The Church throughout the U.S. has just completed a special week dedicated to promoting the true meaning of Natural Family Planning (NFP).