Located in South Brooklyn, Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation is a faith-based rehabilitation center providing quality care in a hotel-like setting.
Boomers & Beyond
Brooklyn Lifelong Learning
Move forward at Brooklyn Lifelong Learning by joining a friendly community of seniors who share your enthusiasm and love of learning. In addition, there are trips and cultural and social activities to enjoy.
Kearney Home Care
Kearney Home Care is a fully licensed, insured and bonded home care agency that has been serving the community for more than 25 years.
Be Financially Prepared For an Emergency Situation
Being financially prepared for an emergency or natural disaster is about more than just having savings set aside. Having access to critical personal and financial information will help you on the road to recovery.
D’Angelo Law Associates
D’Angelo Law Associates provides comprehensive legal care to individuals and families.
Fidelis Care: Let’s Get Everyone Covered
Fidelis Care offers quality, affordable health insurance for qualifying children and adults.
Boomers and Beyond – Summer 2017
The Tablet is pleased to present this special advertising guide for Baby Boomers in partnership with local providers of health care, travel, legal and financial services.
Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare
Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare is a faith-based center providing medical rehabilitation in a hotel-like setting.
Brady and Marshak: Estate Planning Basics
The law practice of Brady & Marshak, LLP, is focused on helping middle-class New Yorkers protect the value of their homes and savings.
From Probate and Medical Fees
Brooklyn Lifelong Learning: The Joy of Learning at Any Age
Brooklyn Lifelong Learning is offering a free session, including a mini-class by Brooklyn Borough Historian Ron Schweiger.