Keep Kids Away from Caffeine-Laden Power Drinks

Dear Dr. Garner, I just got back from the hospital with my eight-year-old son. Apparently he thought it would be cool to drink a six pack of Red Bull “power drink.” He developed an irregular heartbeat that was very fast. Most people refer to me as a good mother, yet I had no idea he […]

You Can Take Back Your Life from OCD

Dear Dr. Garner, I really need your help. I have not spoken to anyone about my problem, because I am too embarrassed. I am becoming trapped by thoughts and actions that have basically paralyzed me. I constantly do things which make no sense, such as rearranging the pillows on the bed, so that they are […]

Regain Control Over Your Anxious Mind

Dear Dr. Garner, I really hope you can help me. I am writing this letter at about 4 a.m. — another night without sleep and constant worrying. My problem is that I worry about everything. My husband is a police officer and I have two young children in school. I worry about their safety and […]