Understanding Seizures and The Link to Epilepsy

Dear Dr. Garner, This has been a rough summer. In June, I experienced a seizure, which I have had in the past as well. This one put me in the hospital for several days, and then in rehab. My doctor also put me on medication. Will you please explain what a seizure is and how […]

Animal Companions Bring Joy — and Health Benefits

Dear Dr. Garner, My father, who is 85, has had a dramatic transformation during the past few years. I tie it directly to a dog he adopted from a local shelter. I have noticed that he is more youthful, has a better outlook on life and socializes much more than before the dog. I know […]

Cataracts Are a Natural Part Of the Aging Process

Dear Dr. Garner, I had been having trouble with my vision so I went to see my ophthalmologist. She said I have cataracts that need to be removed. I am a little nervous about the surgery.   Could you tell me more about this condition and why I got it?  I am in good condition […]

Smoking Is a Deadly Habit — Especially For Women

Dear Dr. Garner, Last weekend, I was driving around the neighborhood and I saw my 17-year-old daughter smoking with her friends a few blocks from home. I was very disappointed and upset. I am not a smoker and I have always taught her about the harms of cigarette smoking. Could you please address this issue? […]

Treatments Are Not In Vain

Dear Dr. Garner,  My wife and I recently went on a trip to Hawaii. Unfortunately, after the long flight there, I spent my vacation in the hospital with something known as deep vein thrombosis. What is this and how I can ensure this doesn’t happen again? Worried in Williamsburg Dear Worried, For those who don’t […]

Consume Fish Dishes In Moderation

Dear Dr. Garner, I really enjoy fish, particularly sushi. It’s one of my summer dinner staples since I don’t like to cook when the temperature rises. However, I’m concerned about mercury poisoning. What is your advice for people who love fish, but don’t want to consume too much mercury? What are some of the symptoms […]

Body Fat Distribution and Health

Dear Dr. Garner, Bathing suit season is in full swing and we’re all more conscious about how we look when we head to the beach or pool. All my life I have been a little heavy in the hip and behind area. I actually look a little like Jennifer Lopez. My husband tells me that […]

Be Safe in the Sun

Dear Dr. Garner, I can’t believe summer vacation is here already. I have six kids who are all fair and tend to burn. I hear a lot of confusing things about suntan lotion on TV. Could you help me understand which one is the best;  also, what does SPF mean? Hope you have a great […]

Kids Can Be Addicted to Internet

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very worried about my son.  He is constantly on the computer looking at Facebook and other things that I really don’t know that much about. His grades at school are horrible and he never gets together with friends. It seems like he is addicted to the Internet. Is there such […]

Summertime Blues

Dear Dr. Garner, I feel like I am out of synch with everyone. All my friends look forward to summer. The kids are out of school. No more Sunday evening book reports. The weather is great — no heavy clothing. Why then do I dread the summer? It happens every June, when I start to […]