Broken Hearted Over Pet’s Death

Dear Dr. Garner, I am so upset. My dog Scottie, who was like a member of the family, died yesterday. I am literally heartbroken. I cannot cope with it, and am beginning to feel chest pain and even become short of breath.  I am a 60-year-old woman in good shape, but this has thrown me […]

Not All Shoes Are Made for Walking

Dear Dr. Garner, I have the most painful problem with my feet. I love to wear high heels, particularly brands like Manolo Blahnik and Christian Louboutin. I think I am being punished for spending so much money on shoes. The pain is unbearable. I feel sparks, numbness and tingling.  The pain is relieved as soon […]

Wide Range of Treatments For Hemorrhoid Relief

Dear Dr. Garner, For the past month I have had itching and pain in my rectum. In addition, I bleed whenever I go to the bathroom. I am in good health otherwise, a little bit overweight, and 45 years old.  Do you think this could be hemorrhoids?  If so, what should I do about it? […]

Don’t Skip PSAs and Breast Exams

Dear Dr. Garner My husband and I are totally confused with the changes in when to get mammograms and PSAs. We have been diligent about the tests, but now hear they’re no longer recommended.  What is your opinion? Confused Couple In Canarsie Dear Confused, You are not the only ones confused. Many doctors feel the same […]

Shopping Addiction Has Serious Effects

Dear Dr. Garner, I’m very concerned about my sister. She has always loved to shop but recently, it seems to have become an obsession for her. At first, the family teased her about it. Now it is becoming serious as she has run up large credit card bills, and has unopened purchases throughout the house. […]

Under Pressure? Reduce the Stress

My job is literally a headache. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t go home and have to take Tylenol. I feel tired all the time, and cannot get much done at night. My husband wants me to quit, but unfortunately, we don’t have much of a choice. In this economy, […]

Be Happy! It’s the Best Medicine

My husband is great in every way except for one thing – he has the worst temper. He rarely can take a 30-minute drive without shouting at someone. He has little patience while helping the children do their homework. When he gets angry, his face turns red and you can see the veins on his […]

No Need to Fear Surgery for New Knees

Dear Dr. Garner, I’m about to have knee replacement surgery and I am quite scared. It’s my first-ever operation. I’m otherwise in good health, although slightly overweight. Could you help me to be less scared? Knee Replacement Fears in Flatbush Dear Knee Replacement, While any surgery has risks, having knee replacement can be very rewarding […]

The Breakdown on Osteoporosis

I am a healthy 65-year-old man or at least I thought so. About the only health issue anyone could accuse me of was being a little underweight. While crossing 86th St. last week, I felt a twinge of pain in my back. It persisted for three days before I visited my doctor. He took an […]

Getting Gout Under Control

Dear Dr. Garner, About two months ago, I had the worst pain in my life in my big toe. My wife wanted me to see the doctor. I decided to tough it out, and took Tylenol, rested and the pain was gone in about three days. At first I thought I might have stubbed it, […]