Memory Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very scared. My mother died of Alzheimer’s disease.  I am fine but I heard on television that people in their 40s are suffering memory loss and other brain problems. I do find myself being forgetful. I can’t find the car keys and have trouble remembering certain names. I am 45 […]

Ear Infections and Antibiotics

Dear Dr. Garner, I have a dilemma. I have a six-year-old boy, who seems to come down with ear infections at least three times a year. My best friend also has a six year old, who also gets his fair share of ear infections. I hope you won’t feel uncomfortable answering this question, but here […]

Treatment for Eating Disorders

Dear Dr. Garner, First, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful new year and congratulations on your new grandson. I am writing to you about a problem that has me heartbroken. My beautiful 20-year-old daughter has a very bad problem. She cannot eat properly and is down to skin and bones. […]

Addressing Anxiety

Dear Dr. Garner, I am writing to you out of desperation. My life is a mess. About two years ago, my husband had a bad heart attack on the street, and it was more than 12 hours that I did not know his whereabouts. Every time he comes home a little late, I imagine he […]

Night Shift Causes Negative Weight Shift

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a nurse who has been in pretty good shape all my life. Lately, I have been doing the overnight shift (not something I asked for). My problem is that in two months time, I have gone from 140 lbs. to 155 lbs. Do you think it is a coincidence, or […]

Not Good to Be Vaccine Free

Dear Dr. Garner, My daughter has a beautiful six-year-old daughter. She is perfectly healthy, thank God. The problem is that my daughter will not allow my granddaughter to be vaccinated for all the usual childhood illnesses. She signed some sort of waiver for school that she objected, based on “philosophy” (whatever that means), and now […]

Finding Relief from Fibromyalgia

Dear Dr. Garner, I am at my wits’ end. Ever since my husband passed away last July, I feel as though my body is being attacked. All my muscles and joints ache. I cannot sleep at night, and I have no desire to see relatives or even my grandchild. I have been to several doctors […]

Healing That Pain in the Heel

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a 45 year old in good condition. I am having a problem and I need your advice. My right foot is acting up. I am a policeman and sometimes I have to stand for long periods of time.   After standing a while, my right foot feels like it is […]

Get Help to Heal From Depression

Dear Dr. Garner, I really need your help. For the past few weeks, I have been feeling sad all the time. Nothing makes me happy. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful children, yet I feel as though something is not right. I don’t want to go anywhere and prefer to stay in bed in […]

Weight Loss Can Last a Lifetime

Dear Dr. Garner, I give up. I know that I am overweight, but it is impossible to keep the pounds off. Time after time, I go on every different kind of diet from cookies to grapefruit and the story is the same: I lose 20 pounds only to gain them back in the next few […]