Avoid Cancer Through Lifestyle and Diet

Dear Dr. Garner, I hear all the time on television about the benefit of certain foods, like green tea and broccoli. Can you give me a list of foods that are good to prevent cancer and foods that might cause me to be more likely to get cancer? I try to eat the right things, […]

Smiling May Reduce Stress, Improve Mood

Dear Dr. Garner, I hope you can resolve this “issue” that has come between my mother and myself. My mother said she heard you talking on TV about a study which found that people who smile a lot are more likely to be healthy. Is this true, and if so, isn’t it being somewhat of […]

Exercise Offers Benefits At Any Age

Dear Dr. Garner, I haven’t exercised in about two years, but I’m ready to start an exercise program. I feel that I have a better sense of balance when I exercise. My daughter says I am too old to exercise. I am 81 and, aside from a little arthritis and a touch of diabetes, am […]

Taking Thyroid Disease Seriously

Dear Dr. Garner, I am 35 years old and in good physical condition. Lately, I notice that my hair has become thin and is falling out. My menstrual cycle has also become irregular. My mother tells me that something similar happened to her, and they found that her thyroid was not working properly. What do […]

Taking the Tension Out of Headaches

Dear Dr. Garner, Almost every afternoon I get a headache. It is not unbearable, but is getting to be pretty annoying. I have a stressful job and my new boss is difficult, to say the least. My wife thinks that my headaches are tension headaches, which seems to make sense. What exactly causes a tension […]

Tremor Is Not Always Parkinson’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very worried that I have Parkinson’s disease. My hands are shaking all the time, and it’s getting me more and more nervous. My aunt had Parkinson’s disease and ended up in a nursing home. I went to the doctor, and he told me I have something called essential tremor. Is […]

Reclaim Your Life and Find Relief from IBS

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very embarrassed by a medical problem I have. Every time I eat, I develop the most severe pains in my stomach area. Also, I either have the immediate urge to have a bowel movement or am totally constipated. I am 20 years old, and this problem hampers my work and […]

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Dear Dr. Garner, Last week, my friend, who lives in Manhattan, called me to ask if she could sleep over. I said sure, but when I asked her why, she just said she would tell me later. The next morning, she told me that her apartment had bed bugs. I sent everything out to the […]

Controlling Flatulence

Dear Dr. Garner, I have a very tricky subject which I am embarrassed about discussing even with my own doctor. I seem to build up large quantities of gas in my stomach and bowels which often causes me great discomfort and shame. This has really put a damper on my life, and I often avoid […]

Panic Attacks Are Common, Treatable

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a fit 43-year-old woman. I exercise five days a week, am not overweight and have had no medical problems until about three months ago. It started when I was grocery shopping. My heart started racing and I couldn’t catch my breath. I could feel the pounding of my heart so […]