Osteoporosis Isn’t a Woman’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a healthy 65-year-old man, or at least I thought so. About the only health issue anyone could accuse me of is being a little underweight. While crossing 86th St. last week, I felt a twinge of pain in my back. It persisted for three days before I visited my doctor. […]

Enjoy Sunny Climes Without a Stuffy Nose

Dear Dr. Garner, Happy New Year! I am anticipating a great year, starting with an upcoming vacation to sunnier climes. Unfortunately, it seems that every time I fly I get a cold. I want to make sure that I am healthy enough to fly. Have many of your patients complained of similar problems? I could […]

’Tis the Season for Hangovers

Dear Dr. Garner, It was nice meeting you at the DeSales Media Group Christmas party at Fornino in Park Slope last week. At that time, I asked you about hangovers and ways to avoid them. I like to drink scotch, yet my friends tell me that if I drink vodka, I have less of a […]

Avoiding Christmas Coronaries And Holiday Heart Syndrome

Dear Dr. Garner, I would like your opinion on the following matter: My brother who is 63 years old is constantly under stress. This is from his job and his family. I am worried about him. He is a smoker, has gained weight and has let himself run down. I know that the holidays are […]

Several Causes for Cold Feet

Dear Dr. Garner, I have been a deacon for many years and have been reading your column for a long time. I hope you can address my problem. My feet are very cold, especially at night before I go to sleep. I have to wear socks every night to stay warm. I am past being […]

Medical Conditions Can Cause Body Odor

Dear Dr. Garner,  It’s been eight years since my husband died. One of the biggest things he used to do for me is to tell me when my clothing needed adjustment, or my hair was out of place. Recently at church, I had a mortifying experience. My friend told me that I had a problem […]

Forgetfulness May Be A Sign of Alzheimer’s

Dear Dr. Garner, My mother is 65, and I noticed she is becoming forgetful lately. No matter how many times we give her an answer to a question, she keeps asking the same question over and over again. She also seems to forget appointments that we’ve made with her. Just yesterday, we were supposed to […]

Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Wake of Sandy

Dear Dr. Garner, It has now been about three weeks since Hurricane Sandy hit our area. I lost almost my entire house with all the pictures, furniture and important papers. I had lived in that house for over 40 years with my husband and two grown children. I am constantly depressed and anxious and am concerned […]

Keeping Angina Stable Forestalls Heart Attacks

Dear Dr. Garner, I am having a problem with my heart. I am in good shape (or at least I thought so) and take pills for my blood pressure and also for chest pains I have had when exercising or at times when I get very aggravated. Lately, the chest pain has become worse when […]

Diagnosing Colitis and Crohn Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am 19 and have severe colitis. I have cramps all the time and need to always be around a bathroom. I have no social life. My doctor said it might be ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. He said the two were similar, and he didn’t know which one I have. Could […]