B Vitamins May Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, My mother is 72 and has mild memory loss. Lately, she is becoming even more forgetful. I fear that she is going to soon have a full-blown case of Alzheimer’s disease. She has been taking Aricept for some time without any noticeable difference. Is there anything new on the market that you […]

Children Suffer from Depression Too

Dear Dr. Garner, Thanks so much for your column and TV show. My whole family enjoys reading and watching. I have a question to ask. We have a 12-year-old son who seems to have the “blues” day in and day out. He doesn’t play with his friends, and he just seems sad all the time. […]

Coping with Irritable Bowels

Dear Dr. Garner, I am one of your biggest fans. I never miss a TV show or Tablet column, so I really hope you can help me. For the past few months, I have been having cramps in my stomach with gas all day. Either I feel constipated or have diarrhea, but nothing you would […]

Osteoporosis Is Not A Woman’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, About five weeks ago, I was walking outside my home in Queens and fell. When I tried to get up, I couldn’t. An ambulance took me to the hospital, where I found out that I had a hip fracture and osteoporosis as well. I thought this was a woman’s disease. My doctor […]

Chasing Away Scary Nightmares

Dear Dr. Garner, I have a big problem. I am 45 years old and in good health overall. I do have mild high blood pressure, and I have been treated for depression. I have a wonderful family with two children, ages nine and 15. My problem is that I am afraid to go to sleep. […]

Lifestyle Changes Keep Kidneys Clear

Dear Dr. Garner, Last week, I had the worst pain of my life. I went to the doctor, and it turned out to be kidney stones. While I am stone free now, should I expect a recurrence anytime soon? What can I do to prevent future stones? Kidney Stones and Moans in Midwood   Dear […]

Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot – Flashes, That Is

Dear Dr. Garner, I am 47 years old and am experiencing very bad hot flashes. It’s gotten to the point where it is interfering with my life and my sleep. How long will this go on? Should I be concerned about permanent harm? Somebody told me that it could increase my risk of heart attacks. […]

Looking for Relief From Restless Legs

Dear Dr. Garner, I have been having a pretty tough time the last couple of years. I have gone to about 10 doctors trying to figure out my problem. I get these weird sensations in my legs, mostly when I go to sleep at night. It really has ruined my sleep, as I am up […]

Treatment Options For a Torn Meniscus

Dear Dr. Garner, I am 62 years old and am very active. I run around Prospect Park each day, and I play golf at least once a week, especially now that the weather is getting better. Everything was fine until I started to get pain in my knee. It swells up a little, and sometimes […]

Cool and Soothe Those Burning Feet

Dear Dr. Garner, I have a problem, and I hope that you can help me. I am 62 years old, and as a postal worker, I am on my feet all day. When I get home, I have the worst burning and tingling that you can imagine in my feet. Sometimes it makes me want […]