No Sweet Dreams With Sleep Apnea

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a big fan of the TV show and column. I’m writing because, for some reason, I just can’t fall asleep like I used to. I occasionally wake up short of breath, thinking I am going to die. I constantly hear ads on the TV for sleep apnea. Could you please […]

Excess Saliva Isn’t Mouthwatering

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a 68-year-old male in pretty good health but with a big problem. For the past couple of months, I have had excess saliva in my mouth. I am constantly having difficulty talking, and I spit all the time. My wife says it’s disgusting, and I don’t blame her. It’s beginning […]

Getting a Handle on Hyperactive Thyroid

Dear Dr. Garner, I’m at my wits’ end. I constantly feel nervous and moody. My hands shake. The other day I was in the grocery store, and I broke two large jars of mayonnaise. It was very embarrassing. With all the shaking, I began to think I might have Parkinson’s disease. I sweat all the […]

The Power of Prayer Offers Hope of Healing

Dear Dr. Garner, I read your column each week and thoroughly enjoy it. I have a question that may be difficult to answer; however, I hope you will be able to provide some information on the subject. My question is, does prayer have the power to heal? Do you think there is any way to […]

Walk, Don’t Run, For Good Health

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a 72-year-old woman who is in good shape, and I like to exercise every day. The problem is that my knees and hips hurt when I jog (because I have bad rheumatism). However, I have no problem walking. My friend tells me that walking is not good for staying in […]

Vibrant Living Alleviates Loneliness

Dear Dr. Garner, I hope you can help me. Three years ago, my husband died. Since that time, I have been very lonely. We used to have a vibrant life together. Now I spend most of my evenings alone in the house and rarely go out. I don’t believe I’m depressed. I think I am […]

Heart Failure Can Be Prevented and Treated

Dear Dr. Garner, I was sad to see that former Mayor Ed Koch died earlier this year. I read with great interest about his medical condition, and it has me doing some thinking. I have been having similar symptoms. My ankles are always swollen, worse at the end of the day. I am short of […]

Osteoporosis Isn’t a Woman’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am a healthy 65-year-old man, or at least I thought so. About the only health issue anyone could accuse me of is being a little underweight. While crossing 86th Street last week, I felt a twinge of pain in my back. It persisted for three days before I visited my doctor. […]

Smiling May Reduce Stress, Improve Mood

Dear Dr. Garner, I hope you can resolve this “issue” that has come between my mother and myself. My mother said she heard you talking on TV about a study which found that people who smile a lot are more likely to be healthy. Is this true, and if so, isn’t it being somewhat of […]

Tremor Is Not Always Parkinson’s Disease

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very worried that I have Parkinson’s disease. My hands are shaking all the time, and it’s getting me more and more nervous. My aunt had Parkinson’s disease and ended up in a nursing home. I went to the doctor, and he told me I have something called essential tremor. Is […]